You see them all the time: Parody songs. We take another artist's song (hey, as amateurs, we gotta start somewhere!), and we re-theme it.
The two most famous Minecraft parodies that come to mind are CaptainSparkles' "TNT" and "Revenge". Both are excellent.
The problem is, there aren't many originals.
I have decided to take it upon myself to revive my music making skills.
I am using my favorite program MT2 to make the tunes.
I want to make it sound semi-8-bit, but make it sound like it could be an actual Minecraft song.
Lyrics (so far):
Vs. 1
I woke up to see
Such a big surprise:
The world has changed
Right before my eyes.
I am all alone.
I look at my hand.
It is not normal.
I get up to stand.
I wanted things right,
to be squared away.
But this is extreme.
I'm stuck in a game.
I am so upset
As to what I see.
I punch the ground hard.
It pops up at me.
I knew what this was
I knew my friend's trap.
It could only be
One thing: <pause> MINECRAFT.
Lyrics aren't in the song (yet) because I'm still figuring out the tune.
MP3 download:
Not up (Yet!)
Ogg download:
MT2 download:
Two things:
Who thinks they are a good singer?
This is a TBCS exclusive! ('til it's Youtube ready, of course)