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Thread: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

  1. #1

    Default How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    Hi, i really need some help here. I am starting to work for sunlife financial tomorrow and need my laptop to run windows xp for their software. Currently i have windows 7 installed. I want to know if I can split my hard drive and when computer boots I can choose xp or windows 7. So I can use xp for work and windows 7 for home. Since i don't have the cd for windows 7 I don't want to remove it completely. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated!
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  2. #2
    Mentally Underclocked mDust's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    Quote Originally Posted by madinjeck View Post
    Hi, i really need some help here. I am starting to work for sunlife financial tomorrow and need my laptop to run windows xp for their software. Currently i have windows 7 installed. I want to know if I can split my hard drive and when computer boots I can choose xp or windows 7. So I can use xp for work and windows 7 for home. Since i don't have the cd for windows 7 I don't want to remove it completely. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated!
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    Hit Start>Run> Type "diskmgmt.msc" > Hit enter

    From there you can add a new partition to your C: drive assuming you have the free space to do so. I'd make a new partition of about 50GB or larger if you can. Run XP setup and choose the "new drive" as the installation disk. XP and 7 boot differently but I think 7 is smart enough to figure it out without a problem. The boot loader will prompt you to choose an OS at each start up.
    If you want to change which OS is the default at startup, you can do so in Win7 by hitting Start>run> type "msconfig" > hit enter. On the boot.ini tab (or whatever the 7 equivalent is) is where you will find the options to do so.
    Post again if there are any issues.
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  3. #3
    One Eye, Sixteen Cores. Kayin's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    If you have 7 Business or above, XP mode will run that software without having to go through all that trouble, and it's free.
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  4. #4
    Anodized. Again. Konrad's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    Microsoft's XP Mode component is integrated in the Business and Ultimate Win7 editions but available as a free download for every version of Win7. Although you'll probably be forced to register and install Microsoft's annoying Genuine Advantage crap. Beware that you'll also have to endure a massive flood of Windows Updates (and restarts) after installing it.

    If you're planning on running multiple boot partitions then you have many options. Either pay a nerd to setup your machinery or start here and here. Win7 already comes with everything you need to multiboot different Windows versions (except, of course, the other Windows versions themselves which you must already own). The addition of linux complicates things somewhat; it is not supported by Microsoft.

    I wouldn't recommend tinkering and experimenting with partitions and operating systems on your laptop if it's critical that it functions at your job. It might be better to buy some junky cheap system to learn on, ideally one which allows easy swapping of drive hardware.

    You also have the option of booting different operating systems from live CDs. At least with a variety of linux distros; I don't know of any for Windows. If you know how (and your laptop supports it) then you can setup USB boot devices.
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  5. #5
    baaah. billygoat333's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    love the signature OP haha.
    Quote Originally Posted by Omega
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  6. #6
    100% Recycled Pixels. Twigsoffury's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    you can dual boot windows 7 and XP

    but XP has to be installed 1st for it to work (have no idea why, but thats how it goes) and 7 after that.

    But its working fine for me, plus its just nice to have a native XP enviroment for older software and video games and stuff.

    Hell my media card and ATi mutimedia center deal ONLY work in XP.

  7. #7
    The floppy drive is no longer obsolete. AmEv's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    XP doesn't know what 7 is, so that's why you need to install older OSes first.
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  8. #8
    Fresh Paint
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    Default Re: How do I put windows 7 and xp both on my laptop?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmEv View Post
    XP doesn't know what 7 is, so that's why you need to install older OSes first.
    Yes, you should install the older version of windows first (Windows Xp). If you installed windows 7 first, windows won’t allow you to install windows Xp because windows 7 is the latest version of windows operating system.
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