That pic of the capacitor that exploded, there are a few thing he said that were wrong:

1) Electrolytic caps will only explode when reversed in polarity, they will get hot and short out when they're is to much voltage so that it can arch from plate to plate through the dielectric.

2) That "wad" of material you see is the dielectric; in that case it was paper with non-conductive (and non-flammable) oil.

As to the case with the fire, hmm prob was a short near flammable material from his "modding" I'd surmise to say that it was the high-voltage of the inverter and the glue on an exchanged (not the one that came with the unit) Velcro strip or double sided tape that caused that fire. I'd have to get a closer look at that case to be 100% sure. The sheer nature of CCFLs are not that dangerous I'm more concerned with the electrical noise they make.

Though there are always shady products out there, just because you have the cheapest CCFL and it works for the most part as some other name-branded ones does not mean they have the same quality control and problems such as these can occur. That fire might not have been his fault but yet again it could very well have been.