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Thread: LAN shutdown help

  1. #1
    rawrnomnom diluzio91's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default LAN shutdown help

    I'm trying to remote shutdown my desktop from my laptop and when i give the command

    shutdown -s -m \\desktop

    i get

    desktop: access is denied (5)

    Any idea what im doing wrong?
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  2. #2
    Its not cool till its watercooled. Fuganater's Avatar
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    Default Re: LAN shutdown help

    Same username on both machines?

  3. #3
    Administrator OvRiDe's Avatar
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    Tulsa, OK

    Default Re: LAN shutdown help

    ^ This.. and that it is an administrator on the box you are trying to shutdown, or the account exists on both machines and is an administrator.

    You might check out PSShutdown as an alternate command. it allows you to specify user credentials in the command line. Its part of the PSTools suite but it is free to download from MS.

  4. #4
    rawrnomnom diluzio91's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Re: LAN shutdown help

    rats, no, its a different username on the 2 machines.

    I'll try PSShutdown

    Silly question, but how do i install it?
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  5. #5
    Administrator OvRiDe's Avatar
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    Tulsa, OK

    Default Re: LAN shutdown help

    They are just command executables so you don't need to install them.. just run them. So if you put them in a folder in the root of C: called PSTools. You would just type something like into your command line:

    c:\PSTools\Psshutdown \\desktop -u deluzio -p -s -f

    OR you could add the C:\PSTools to your path or just copy the PSTools folder to a location that is already in your path and then you would be able to just type psshutdown etc etc... I usually just copy it to the windows\system32 dir.

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