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Thread: Simple Camo look

  1. #1
    Wait, What? knowledgegranted's Avatar
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    Feb 2009

    Default Simple Camo look

    I've been just screwing around with photoshop a ton lately and I figure I would share with you all. Keywords will be in bold.

    Start with a White document with desired size. Resolution does not matter for this tutorial.

    Go to Filter --> Artistic --> Sponge and use the following parameters:

    Hit Ok

    To give it a more cloth like look go to Filter --> Texture --> Texturizer and use the following parameters:

    Hit Ok

    You are done with your camo look. If you would like to add color see below, if not, have fun your finished!

    If you would like to add color, simply click Ctrl + U. Check "Colorize" and you can mess around with the parameters until you achieve the look you want.
    It's like JFK announcing the moon mission. He had no expertise in space travel, and no way of knowing if it would work. He just announced "we're going to the moon" and then they made it happen because everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goal. If he had said "well, let's get some people in space, and we'll see how far out we can get, and if I find someone to make a rocket strong enough, we could possibly approach the moon's orbit and maybe land" it wouldn't have happened.

  2. #2
    AARGH dr.walrus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simple Camo look

    Nice. Works much better with an olive (or colour of your choice) background to start with.

  3. #3
    Like a Lightning Bolt in Your Cheerios! Drum Thumper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simple Camo look

    Nice tut. Now you got me thinking about tweaking a tut I came across last year for making water drops in GIMP to replicate this.
    Quote Originally Posted by artoodeeto View Post
    aw heck guys. We're modders. Let's just build our own, shall we? || The Brewing Art ||
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  4. #4
    You have died of dysentery. Juicebox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simple Camo look

    Very nice, anyone tried making it into a digital camo?

  5. #5
    Custom Title Honors BuzzKillington's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simple Camo look

    Have I tried? Yes. Succeeded? So how about this weather lately?
    PS3: CaptBuzzCooler

  6. #6
    Wait, What? knowledgegranted's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simple Camo look

    Haha ok guys, digital camo isn't that hard really. I'll write a tut.
    It's like JFK announcing the moon mission. He had no expertise in space travel, and no way of knowing if it would work. He just announced "we're going to the moon" and then they made it happen because everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goal. If he had said "well, let's get some people in space, and we'll see how far out we can get, and if I find someone to make a rocket strong enough, we could possibly approach the moon's orbit and maybe land" it wouldn't have happened.

  7. #7
    Fresh Paint
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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Simple Camo look

    Nice tips i am going to try this and i hope i should get the desired results.

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