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Thread: Another New computer A.K.A The recording rig

  1. #1

    Default Another New computer A.K.A The recording rig

    Hey guys! i really didn't know ware to put this so i figured this would be a good spot.
    Lets start with some background the beginning of the school year (September-ish) i met indybird because of a band i was asked to play in, later in the year i found out that he could build computers and we had been talking about making a recording studio in my basement to record our band that is now doing great! so anyways maybe the middle of the winter i talked to indybird about building me a computer to do a small amount of recording, so we worked it all out and had lots of ideas, well when it came down to it my parents would not let me get the comp. Well after a while we totally re-designed the computer after i attended a LAN party hosted by indybird, thus finding out that i actually was getting into playing computer games, after the LAN we made it into more of an inexpensive gaming/recording computer, well yet again my parents wouldn't let me get the computer, BUT they did say at the end of the school year we will let you get the computer. And now with all of that we go to two weeks ago, i finally got the money outta my account went over to indybirds house and had him order all my parts!!! and now i take you to two Fridays ago, we build the computer! after it was all said and done we both agreed that it was the most pro looking computer build ether of us have ever seen, a very sleek looking sever case and now all mounted into a 6 space DJ amp rack case...and now for the moment you have been waiting for...i give you my recording and gaming comp!!!!!

    this is without the rack, but the way it should sit.

    And in the rack sideways because i have no room to lay it flat in my bedroom

    with the door open, everything is flat in the rack.

    and this is how its sitting in my room, i just don't have enough room to set it the way it should be set.

    this is the best i got for the back, my camera would not take a good pic of the back if its life depended on it lol

    and we gotta have a pic of the inside

    this is the rack and the doors, that is the only way this comp would have fit in the rack, if those doors were any shallower it would have been too big

    and this would not be complete without a fail pic of my new monitor!

    and there ya have it, my recording and gaming rig, pretty pro eh??

    Also if you guys have any good ideas on sound cards and/or interfaces, help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    I come from a land down under. simon275's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Re: Another New computer A.K.A The recording rig

    This should probably be in your mods. Neat wallpaper? Any chance of a link?

    Need a sig

  3. #3
    Religiously tolerant. Luke122's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Another New computer A.K.A The recording rig

    If you dont want to spend money on the recording software, Audacity is great. If you DO want to spend money, Pro Tools is the ultimate.

    Depending on how many channels you need to record simultaneously, I would say go with an external interface for sure. Firewire would be best, as it is the least CPU usage (compared to USB) which means less latency (lag).

    M-Audio builds great stuff (which I've had very good experiences with), but definitely get down to your local music store, and talk to the guys there about what they recommend.

    \m/ d(-_-)b \m/

    R9 290X+Kraken+Corsair H90, Xeon 5649@4ghz, Asus P6T-WS Pro

  4. #4

    Default Re: Another New computer A.K.A The recording rig

    Thanks for then info, i will deff. look into a firewire interface! and the link for the wallpaper is

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

    Default Re: Another New computer A.K.A The recording rig

    That is a great looking rack. I've got a recording PC as well. Nothing so fancy, it's in a regular computer case. I use an M-Audio Delta 192 audio card. It only has 2 channels of input, so it's not as useful for a band, but mated with a mixer it works just fine, as long as you're brave and don't mind not having the ability to fiddle with the mix after it's recorded. I usually only do 1 or 2 channels at once anyway. Firewire interfaces tend to be pricey, but if you can afford it, go for it. USB does have some pretty bad latency, but if you're recording a whole band and don't need immediate monitoring capabilities, it'd work. USB is generally cheaper.

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