I'll probably just buy a new one from Amazon. It's unfortunate that it's not an easy process. Oh well.
Type: Posts; User: Lothair; Keyword(s):
I'll probably just buy a new one from Amazon. It's unfortunate that it's not an easy process. Oh well.
I'm going to assume the lens module isn't working correctly for an unknown reason. I wonder if that can be repaired?
Well I got it opened. It seems to like working only when on it's side. However regardless of what game disc I use, it doesn't recognize that anythings there. Options at this point?
Hmmm no paper clips in sight of course but are usually littered everywhere. This is why I don't like cleaning my house. lol
Maybe if I just... stare intensely... at it... for awhile...
Also, how can I open the drive at this point? I want my game back man. lol
The DVD Drive in my Xbox 360 (Elite) won't open. When the button is pressed it does a sort of slight jerk as if it wants to open, but then doesn't. I also tried opening it via the homescreen option...