alright, well ive discovered how much fun random writing can be. well, actually rediscovered is more appropriate.

so ive got one "song" in minty's $5 contest thread, and ill leave that one there. ive got another "song" that i wrote last night, so ill post that one. its more like a very thoughtful and odd poem though. all im going to say about that is i definitely was under the influence at the time. so.. enjoy, and post your own stuff if you want.

"insular insulation"

Largely unpopulated
And hot to the top
Having had no rest today
Yet almost forgot
I know you’re not my future
Cause there’s a special spot
Where I can go to shut you down, yeah
Shut down like you were shot

Humble within the realms
Of an ancient tradition
Observing the life times
Lost before thought
Sent out of these worlds
Let free to the stars
Through a plane of existence
Crashing to a new fold

Young mothers from the south
Leaving home behind and off
To new lands with a wide mouth
Full of freedom and passion
To be expelled to drown you out
Let be what will be and remember
That although it fades and resembles
An old shell of your self
Begun with the hopes and dreams
Which were lost much too young

Enter the realm of instance
One flicker at a time
Forsake not the insistence
Of the man in charge
To be of little resistance
To go suck a lime
Charge not him for riddance
For we will soon be recharged

Electric playful stairs
Escalate us up to the top
Of a life once lived so grand
Steady trumpets sound the drop
Make haste to prepare
The farewell lot of souls

Although you disappear
It is not to say you weren’t ever here
The memories will stay dear
And will be of the most clear
This day was way too near
But in the end, just one more year

Collide with the smallest part of your conscience
And pose the greatest question ever told
For whose fault is it that life was so accidental
For whose fault is it that water was clear
For whose fault is it that wondrous events unfold
For whose fault is it to be judged at the pole
For whose fault is it that the soul does not remain
For whose fault is it that restores the texture to life
For whose fault is it that I love you

All of the forest is warm
And all of the forest is kind
For all of the forest is keen
To see a future, and best not piss us off
Or else we’ll cut you down bitch

Rumours float like birds through an electric coliseum
Waiting for the right moment to strike left and right
Waiting for the day that release is guaranteed
Waiting for the hand to pick up the soul
Waiting for the union of treasures past
Waiting for the treasures of memories past
Waiting for the time to go past
Waiting for the time that once again
It will be possible to walk on the earth once more

Penitence is an option
For those who live
Like a brick
And slide
And slide downhill
Lose focus on pertinent
Information of
Importance lost
And gone forever
If for only two days, it was an eternity to bear
For what I have seen will change me forever
And ever, and ever, amen

Tears fill the gaps between eyelids
That were closed for way too long
And missed out on a world so grand
Hanging to existence on a strand
Luck was not a factor in this life
There was no luck to be had
Mellow and out with the downward
Lost the preacher at the pass
Saddened and lasts for hours