Currently, traditional mechanical hard drives typically cost only $0.05 to $0.10 per gigabyte, which is a very low price, while flash memory-based devices typically cost as high as $1.00 per gigabyte, or even higher, which is a massive difference in price. Thankfully, the prices of flash memory have been gradualy decreasing (as they were once several dollars per gigabyte), and some devices, such as Samsung's 840 EVO series, have reached $0.60 per gigabyte, but I am wondering how much lower the prices can decrease.
Obviously, I do not believe that the price of flash memory will ever be as low as five or ten cents per gigabyte, but may it eventually decrease to a mere $0.25 per gigabyte? That would be very reasonable and affordable, in my mind, although still slightly higher than the cost of magnetic memory.
What does everyone else say about this? How low shall the price of flash memory decrease, and how long may it take for that to occur?