So, I saw this video on YouTube by a guy going by the name "buddwm"
Heres a link to his video.. >>Click ME<<
I was stunned. Never before had I even CONSIDERED doing this. Hell, I've had my childhood NES since I was 12 yrs old! I even pull it out a few times a year and hook it up and play it till my wife is sick of seeing it.
But this!... I build my own computers at home. My kids computers. Various friends... etc. I can do this!!
With a little persuasion and some flowers to my wife, the project budget is established, and its "Green lights"
I scoured YouTube for clues. Videos. How to's... and what I found was a ton of @*%#. So, eff it! Let's just get crazy and see what happens.
I get started... Below is a copy of posts and pictures and updates from a webforum for arcade style DIY projects called Hyperspin-fe
Part way through my build, I found this guy...
Youtube modsandends The Unassuming NES PC Tour
Finally one NES-PC that wasn't garbage, or a shoebox.
(If I have to split up posts for video or image count restrictions, I'll apologize in advance)
The user "modsandends" suggested I post here the finished work. Sooo without further ado.