I preordered the game and played it the day it was released. I've been playing it over the past few days and just concentrating on the main quest. So I get to the end and the main quest ending is glitched!!
The ending has you fight the first Dragonborn Miraak. He's supposed to absorb the souls of dragons as you fight him to regain full health, but he doesn't. I've reloaded several times and once he killed the dragons, but they just die and no one absorbs the souls! They just lie there and he keeps trying to absorb their souls with no luck.
One forum says you can use the console command to resurrect him and restore his health, but it doesn't help. I've even tried resurrecting the dragons to give him another shot, but nothing.
So, it's glitched and I'm stuck there.
Stupid game has me running back to Borderlands 2.
At least Bethesda knows about it
"We're definitely aware of the glitch, and we haven't denied the issue at all. The issue that you are experiencing is a known issue and we are working diligently to fix it in upcoming patches. Unfortunately at this time we do not have an ETA on when the next patch will be deployed. Aside from loading a previous save file prior to reaching that point in the quest and trying again (which we understand doesn't always work in the case of this particular bug), the best thing to do at this point would be to keep an eye on our forums, as this is the best source of information for emerging issues and patch information."