btw .
his sister's portable hard drive it was a mybook the usb port broke off it.
It has a western digital 2tb green hard drive i bought a new enclosure put it in there its sata.
Dosen't show up in my computer when i go to manage disk i can get it to show up as unallocated space
if im correct it is basically saying it is empty but i know its suppose to be almost full .
i have got one recovery program to show it has data but it will only let me get like one gig max
but atleast it found something do you know any way i can recover this without formatting it
i really would like to save his sisters data years of pics and stuff any ideas
i thought there could be something on there from western digital messing up the works since it was a portable hard drive maybe .
all help appreciated
there has to be some way to save it i hope lol