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Thread: Dark Souls - Potential Minor Spoilers

  1. #1
    Code Monkey NightrainSrt4's Avatar
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    Default Dark Souls - Potential Minor Spoilers

    Thumbs down so far from me.

    All the the things that made the difficulty in Demon's Souls great are gone.

    *Here they throw lots of enemies at you at the same time. The only time that occurred in Demon's Souls was 5-2. Some areas you might be able to aggro only a few, but often they will be in groups.

    *The aggro range is ridonkulous. It appears to be line of sight, but again, this causes you to get large groups on you. They will follow you nearly forever if you don't turn and run as fast as you can the second they see you. Sometimes that isn't enough.

    Probably the biggest problem so far:
    *In Demon's Souls when enemies start an attack they commit to the attack. Here, some enemies will start there attack and the program knows exactly what your inputs are and they will spin and place the attack exactly where you are going to be. You can try and juke, not do obvious things, but it doesn't matter. For these enemies know your location, your movement vector, and where you are going to be and will literally pivot in place half way through the swing to hit you wherever you may be if you are in range.

    Other enemies, ones that jump in particular, will weave in midair to land exactly where you are. So much for physics, these guys have rocket boosters in their ass, and will be where you are no matter what.

    *Many fights are taking place in tight claustrophobic rooms with enemies that have swords the size of the width of the room. Add on extra enemies you can't avoid and you've got a great combo.

    Demon's Souls was great and if you made a mistake then you were punished for it. Learn the enemies and exploit their weaknesses. Here you get swarmed, and often. You are forced to kite far too often; so much for alternate play styles. Enemies that will sit there and turtle no matter what you do for minutes straight; Decide to jab to get them to react and they instant counter with nothing you can do to stop it. But, you don't have much choice because nothing else has gotten them to stop turtle-ing for the last two minutes.

    And the game is not open world, unless you think Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, or Super Metroid were open world. I don't mind this, but don't go in expecting open world like what was touted.

    The game has the potential to be great, but constantly being overwhelmed no matter how you try and pull the enemies, and the unnatural "predictions" the enemies make give the game a feeling of false difficulty, exactly what Demon's Souls didn't have and was praised for. The game is really good, but the jumping through the air and curving through the path to get exactly at your point is ridiculous, and is about to set me over the edge.

  2. #2
    Code Monkey NightrainSrt4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dark Souls - Potential Minor Spoilers

    I'm not feeling well, being in and out of the hospital again, so I may be going really harsh on this right now.

    I am enjoying the game, don't get me wrong, it is just that there are definitely some things that feel cheap, and thus leading to frustrations. It is a good game, the cheapness just needs to be toned down a bit, imo. I can't stop thinking about it though, so I guess it gets points there, which is a good thing as I'm tired of thinking about my deteriorating health.

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