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View Full Version : TBCS Review: Mushkin HP3200 "Redline" Memory

07-19-2005, 10:39 AM
Thats right kids...we just took Mushkin's HP3200 "Redline" memory for a spin around the block. Check it out here (http://www.thebestcasescenario.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=3).

"Amazing. Phenomenal. Great. I'll save you the trouble of reading the conclusion and just tell you now to go out and buy some Mushkin Redline. This is the fastest memory I have ever tested. For the serious overclockers out there, why would you own anything else? I was amazed. We kept pushing... and pushing... and pushing the FSB speed up on this RAM and it kept going like the Energizer Bunny. As you probably can tell, I was very impressed. The higher voltages this memory can handle really helps its stability and performance. Read on, and you won't believe the test results we got. Aside from the results... take a look at the price. Redline is dirt cheap. You get a huge bang for your buck."

07-19-2005, 01:52 PM
SWEET!! I may have to look into those.

07-19-2005, 05:23 PM
max you got was 520Mhz = 260 HTT.... how is that good? also why do you write in Mhz.... its hard, we have to devide it by 2 to get HTT speed..... other then that, great review

07-19-2005, 05:48 PM
max you got was 520Mhz = 260 HTT.... how is that good? also why do you write in Mhz.... its hard, we have to devide it by 2 to get HTT speed..... other then that, great review

I write in Mhz because I am not as smart as you. sheesh why do I even have to explain this :? . I do it because unlike you not everyone understands our geeky, nerd language. I write my reviews so that everyone understands them... not just nerds like us ;) . Is that a good enough explaination for you ma'am? :eek:

How in the hell is 120 Mhz out of spec not good on DDR 400 memory? I don't try to OC it so much that you have to have sloppy slow assed timings just to keep the system running. Sorry dude this is about high system performance, not bragging rights over who can OC DDR 400 to 1000Mhz.

07-19-2005, 06:21 PM
what do you mean geeky? you are the 2nd person i know who wites RAM in Mhz... and 60htt OC is nothing for good RAM. you can check out InsaneTek's RAM reviews for some real OCs on RAM.... (not trying to promote Insanetek, just pointing out). even my Mushkin RAM which is not that great hits 265

07-19-2005, 06:55 PM
what do you mean geeky? you are the 2nd person i know who wites RAM in Mhz... and 60htt OC is nothing for good RAM. you can check out InsaneTek's RAM reviews for some real OCs on RAM.... (not trying to promote Insanetek, just pointing out). even my Mushkin RAM which is not that great hits 265

I write in Mhz because thats what memory is measured in. Last time I checked and I have worked in the IT industry for 12 years and I am pretty sure that even still to this day they measure memory in mhz. I have yet to go to the store and buy 200HTT memory. If you find it hard to divide by two thats just sad. That really says something about our schools today.

You and InsaneTek must be gods..... oooooh. I don't have to explain myself to you. I OC with stability and quality in mind for my reviews...not bragging rights because I got memory up to 300HTT. I have a responsibility to give accurate, RESPONSIBLE information, not pie in the sky one time overclocks. Anyone can oc to 265 or 315...but what good is that when you have to restart your box every 2 hours? Or you have to put up with system crashes every other day. Or your system dies 6 years before it's supposed to. Sorry dude if you don't like the way I write my reviews or do my testing...don't read them. Simple as that.

07-19-2005, 07:17 PM
Do I smell a contest with the prize having something to do with this topic coming up soon? (I hope the answer is "Yes" and the prize is the ram. I dont want any of you people as a prize :p)

Crimson Sky
07-19-2005, 07:18 PM
I agree that certain reviews need to be put in terms that not only the pro's like Slacker can understand but also for the novice. ;)

07-19-2005, 07:35 PM
hey, i am not here to argue with anyone...... tell me this, why when i simply say that 120Mhz OC is nothing special, why start to get all defensive....... you could have just said "to my standard, 120Mhz OC is good".

I agree that certain reviews need to be put in terms that not only the pro's like Slacker can understand but also for the novice. i think reviews should be geared towards the target market (people who will most be interested in the product). tell me, how many novice people who dont know that 400Mhz DDR and 200HTT is the same thing, OC their comp??? i dont think too many of them do....

if you cant deal with criticism, dont review anything.. if i reviewed something, i'd want to hear all opinions about what i write so i can get better at it.

Crimson Sky
07-19-2005, 10:36 PM
hey, i am not here to argue with anyone...... tell me this, why when i simply say that 120Mhz OC is nothing special, why start to get all defensive....... you could have just said "to my standard, 120Mhz OC is good".
i think reviews should be geared towards the target market (people who will most be interested in the product). tell me, how many novice people who dont know that 400Mhz DDR and 200HTT is the same thing, OC their comp??? i dont think too many of them do....

if you cant deal with criticism, dont review anything.. if i reviewed something, i'd want to hear all opinions about what i write so i can get better at it.

If you are here to criticize, be prepared to argue with people--that's just the way it works. ;) I had no idea what HTT was. I do know what MhZ means for overclocking and performance. Be sure to show us your reviews when you get a chance to post the links.

This site is geared towards enthusiasts of all levels, that is our market.

07-20-2005, 12:09 AM

CS & Dante > Mrs. Lacker

07-20-2005, 12:10 AM
who deleted my post????

dante and I are working this out over AIM and there was no reason to delete my post :rolleyes:

Crimson Sky
07-20-2005, 12:18 AM
I deleted it. If you have a problem with that, see the website owner. :p

07-20-2005, 12:23 AM
I deleted it. If you have a problem with that, see the website owner. :p
lol. ok

we sorted everything out w/ Dante, so its all cool again

07-20-2005, 12:46 AM

07-20-2005, 10:35 AM
all's well that ends well

08-05-2005, 12:36 PM
anyone know if all mushkin redline is that awesome? im lookin at some redline xp3200, same timings, just wondering if theres a difference between the xp3200 and the hp3200?

08-05-2005, 01:39 PM
If your board runs up to DDR400, would the Redline only run at that speed? Then you'd have to "overclock" it to get it to it's rated speed.

08-05-2005, 04:41 PM
Not to restart an argument....But what is HTT?
Is this something to do with Intels? I'm running an AMD and plan to get another one so maybe I just miss something in the conversion.
or am I that far behind.....
I've not built a top end gamming system in about a year...So I know I'd be behind on tech but now I'm worried.

Could some one help a confuzzled man out? :?
