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View Full Version : Where's the power?

07-12-2005, 06:40 PM
Alright here goes :( ... I wanted to replace the window on my side panel with a 17" tft flat panel screen and also install onboard speakers in front of the tower or other side panel. My question is, :? "where does the power from the monitor and speakers get routed to/from?" :? I don't want 2 3-pin power cords and a 120v cord sticking out of the rear end. :mad: I just want 1 power cord from the power supply visible. I've seen :eek: other posts with on case speakers and on case flat screens but it doesn't explain where the power is comming from. This has been troubling me for a while so any help is appreciated. Do i have to install 2 power supplies? If so that still means i'll have 2 fatty cords protruding from the rear. 'sigh' :redface:

Thanx in advance for your help and comments. ;)

The Grendel
07-13-2005, 11:12 AM
No, you won't need a second power supply.
the easiest way would be to rip apart an old psu to grab the outlet
mod that into a discreet part of your case (back panle near bottom?) and use it as an extention to the monitor's normal power plug and possibly wire in the speaker power at the same spot.

the harder was to do it would be to split the power from the one and only power cord inside your psu and do the same thing, run an extention to both the monitor and the speakers. two things:
1. I don't suggest you do this, unless you know what you're doing inside the psu
2. if you do decide to try it out, find a better quality power cable

i'll go look for some pics to better describe all that ;)


The Grendel
07-13-2005, 11:29 AM
Ok, here it is in somewhat less vague terms (I could barely read that last post :? ;) )

grab the plug (and if you want, the toggle switch)
then simply wire it to the cutoff end of a psu power cable plugged into the monitor. for speakers, wire them in as well. I've seen this done a couple of times, instead of having a wire hanging out of the side of the case or shoved through a pci slot, you get a nice clean power plug instead.


the hard way, is to wire it directly into your existing psu and running the 2nd cable from your psu to the power on the monitor/speakers

Once again, I don't suggest messing around inside your psu.


07-13-2005, 01:46 PM
that sounds like a plan but now i have other questions concerning the safety of it. It sounds to me like you are placing 3 plugs to 1 source in the psu which is the input end of it (b4 it gets filtered through all the other stuff to the pc). Doesn't that cause less power to the pc then?
Or do you mean to use a whole other power supply all together and have 2 in the case (which defeats the purpose of what i want)?

I'm just concerned that it will act like an unstable surge protector power strip. But then again, i know nothing of power current so i'll leave it to the experts to explain (you guys ;) )

07-13-2005, 07:02 PM
well any who... i opened up an old 250w psu and ran the two wires from where the 120v plug used to be (speakers) and to my astonishment, i did something right. wooooohoooooo. It worked like a charm and now i'm off to design the speakers on my tower.
1 more question...
How in the world do you post pics on these forums?
I tried to do it but it asks me to input text to be formatted. I know it's probably a noob question but hey, i'm a noob to the site.

Happy modding all!!!
:) ;) 8) :D

07-13-2005, 10:02 PM
alright folks... keep an open mind since the only thing i've done so far to this pc is cut out the TC sign and install wheels to it. Like i said, i'm a noob but not affraid to try and complete (even though i still need to paint it up some). I'm gonna be installing the on case speakers and hopefully the flat panel screen soon. A touch of paint and that's pretty much it for that test pc...
My next project will infact be a doozy so i hope to get started on it real soon. ("sigh") Well folks thanx for the help.



07-18-2005, 09:33 AM
Alright so i've come across another problem. The speaker system i wanted to use uses an adapter that pumps out 9v to the speakers. Is there a way that i can avoid a huge adapter plug in the pc? Is there another way to convert it without a huge plug or inverter? If not then it looks like my psu is gonna have a large adapter plugged into it. That is just plain ugly :eek: . Does anyone know how i can integrate it with the psu? And as a last resort, anyone know how to build your own adapter? Reason whi i need the power is cause i am modding my case to have built in speakers and a sub. I know it's not suggested for the sub because it might rattle things up but i've thought of that already. Plus no worries on the speakers magnets cause they are housed with a magnetic disruption metal casing on each speaker. ;) Well if anyone could help me out, that would be just peachy kean!!!

The Grendel
07-18-2005, 04:13 PM
that sounds like a plan but now i have other questions concerning the safety of it. It sounds to me like you are placing 3 plugs to 1 source in the psu which is the input end of it (b4 it gets filtered through all the other stuff to the pc). Doesn't that cause less power to the pc then?

2. if you do decide to try it out, find a better quality power cable

Running the screen and speakers off the same plug is no different than plugging them into the same powerbar. Just remember to get a better power cord. if you wire it in that way you'll be drawing that much more power through the cord that is meant for only the psu. I would suggest looking for a medical grade power cord (yes they do exist) they are rated much higher an are better quality all around. (allthough they may be kinda hard to find).

as for the power adapter. I would suggest that you keep the existing one and simply mount it in a hidden spot. I doubt the weight will be all that noticable considering you have monitor, speakers and sub in the case allready.

I don't know about the internal structure of adapters but I can guarantee that it's not something you could just throw together out of spare parts.

that case should be big enough to hide the adapter in.


07-20-2005, 01:22 AM
alright so i velcroed the fatty power adapter on the floor in between the hard drive holder so it's hidden and glad that everything is working peachie-kean :D . Now the only problem i have is all the cords running through the thing. there are so many cords that i don't even think it can be manageable at all. but ill try and when i feel that it's done, i'll post some pics. :) the wheels that i installed give it a good 1/2 inch from the ground and since the sub speaker is installed into the floor of the case, it emmits sound pretty nicely. well i'm gonna see what else i could do to this first time mod case i got here and if anything else comes up, then i'll be sure to post again.

Happy modding everyone!!! :D

The Grendel
07-20-2005, 11:26 AM
Now the only problem i have is all the cords running through the thing. there are so many cords that i don't even think it can be manageable at all.

Ordinarily you could try ruing as much of the calbes behind your mobo tray, but that's kinda hard with your window on that side.

and don't wait til its done to post pics! lets see some working pics too!


07-21-2005, 11:19 AM
Your wall wart is just a transformer and some diodes inside a plastic case. If you are not afraid of electricity, and it sounds like your not if you've been messing around in your psu, you could strip the case off of it and wire it into your psu directly. Remember it is still 115V input, Insulate it appropreitly. It would be cool if you could get it to fit in your psu also.

07-28-2005, 05:22 PM
Your speakers draw 9V how many amps (maybe listed in milliamps). You've got all kinds of 12V power in your PC Go look for a cell phone charger that does 9V (any kind of cigarette adapter that does 9v) just make sure the "Charger" can put out at least that many Amps. Then gut the cig. adapter (there is a little circuit board in there) and wire it up to the speakers power in (double check you've got the + and - in the right place or it could be bad!!!)

Good luck!
