05-26-2007, 09:34 PM
Here is a quick and easy way to create reflections of images, text, or whatever as if it were hovering over glass or water. I am going to make an Apevia X-Pleasure case appear as if it were hovering over a lake. I have saved an image of a calm lake and also an image of the case from Apevia's website and opened them in Photoshop.
First step is to select only the image I want without selecting the white background using the magic wand selection tool and clicking on the white background:
To change the selection from the white to the case, choose from the menu Select/inverse:
Next, to remove the shadow from beneath the case I clicked on the Quick Mask Mode and using the Pencil Tool colored in the area at the base with the pink-colored mask.
Then I returned to Standard Mode, chose the Move Tool, and dragged the case into my lake image. Then I scaled down the case to the desired size by choosing from the menu Edit/Transform/Scale and dragging the the edges.
There are lots of different ways to do this, but for this demo I chose to copy the case by right-clicking the layer in the layers window and selecting Duplicate Layer. Then I flipped the image by choosing from the menu Edit/Transform/Flip Vertical. I then dragged it to about where I thought a relfection should be and by moving the slider-bar in the layers window to about 30%.
Next, I will skew the image a little to give it some perspective. This is a process of decision-making about where a reflection should extend, and how it should be reflected on the surface. I just chose Edit/Transform/Skew and dragged the base of the image outward a tad.
And there it is, a very rough but simple way to make a reflection.
First step is to select only the image I want without selecting the white background using the magic wand selection tool and clicking on the white background:
To change the selection from the white to the case, choose from the menu Select/inverse:
Next, to remove the shadow from beneath the case I clicked on the Quick Mask Mode and using the Pencil Tool colored in the area at the base with the pink-colored mask.
Then I returned to Standard Mode, chose the Move Tool, and dragged the case into my lake image. Then I scaled down the case to the desired size by choosing from the menu Edit/Transform/Scale and dragging the the edges.
There are lots of different ways to do this, but for this demo I chose to copy the case by right-clicking the layer in the layers window and selecting Duplicate Layer. Then I flipped the image by choosing from the menu Edit/Transform/Flip Vertical. I then dragged it to about where I thought a relfection should be and by moving the slider-bar in the layers window to about 30%.
Next, I will skew the image a little to give it some perspective. This is a process of decision-making about where a reflection should extend, and how it should be reflected on the surface. I just chose Edit/Transform/Skew and dragged the base of the image outward a tad.
And there it is, a very rough but simple way to make a reflection.