06-12-2005, 09:31 PM
Okay guys, here are some of my ideas, which I hope to work on after I move. I’ll probably get started on the 22nd, if all goes smoothly. I probably won’t be able to finish all of them for a while, so I’ve listed a few that I feel are most “doable”. Feel free to comment on these ideas. Look for these projects in the Project Worklogs area in a few days.
Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf – Create/ mod a case in the form of a Mech, like a Prometheus or Mad Cat. Include features such as rotating cannons and hinged cockpit. The exhaust fans could be placed inside scale jumpjets. Personally, this is my favorite idea, and after I settle in my new house, I’ll get working on it right away! 8)
Half-Life 2 – Create/ mod a case in the form of a Combine building such as the Citadel. Include features such as “shutters” and “foundation drivers”. Might build some scale helicopters and maybe Striders, if they aren’t too difficult. :)
Wall Mod - It’s not original, but the “Wall Mod” might be a blast. Cut out a chunk of wall, stick all your components inside in a creative arangment, and place a plexiglass window over it (hinged, of course) and viola! Hell, I could even reroute the air conditioning to the enclosure:D. I saw some guy do this in Popular Mechanics because he ran out of space in his house, and it turned out pretty damn awsome. Kinda like a 3D Da Vinci. :p
Potato Mod – Not sure how this’ll be done, but I can assure you it will involve a lot of potatos:D.
Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf – Create/ mod a case in the form of a Mech, like a Prometheus or Mad Cat. Include features such as rotating cannons and hinged cockpit. The exhaust fans could be placed inside scale jumpjets. Personally, this is my favorite idea, and after I settle in my new house, I’ll get working on it right away! 8)
Half-Life 2 – Create/ mod a case in the form of a Combine building such as the Citadel. Include features such as “shutters” and “foundation drivers”. Might build some scale helicopters and maybe Striders, if they aren’t too difficult. :)
Wall Mod - It’s not original, but the “Wall Mod” might be a blast. Cut out a chunk of wall, stick all your components inside in a creative arangment, and place a plexiglass window over it (hinged, of course) and viola! Hell, I could even reroute the air conditioning to the enclosure:D. I saw some guy do this in Popular Mechanics because he ran out of space in his house, and it turned out pretty damn awsome. Kinda like a 3D Da Vinci. :p
Potato Mod – Not sure how this’ll be done, but I can assure you it will involve a lot of potatos:D.