View Full Version : Yet another mouse mod :P

02-04-2007, 07:33 PM
No rhyme or reason to it, except for the fact that I have never done a mouse mod of any kind before.

I decided to use my old MS Optical mouse for this, always been a dependable little thing but has really been doing nothing except gathering dust in my bench drawer. So I decided to give the little sucker a new life with what I hope will be a fan buzzing inside of it, unless I somehow manage to blow the thing up.

First I’ll start with making the vents on the mouse’s upper casing and working my way down to intake holes , fan placement and finally wiring the whole thing up/

So lets get to it.

The Fan
The Mouse
Removing the skates to expose the screws..
Opened and screws with skates on wax paper, will use them again after it’s done
The bits I’ll be using
Tape marking off the “air zone” and partially drilled, really wish I had my drill press at this point. Manually guiding the bit on the flex shaft off my “dremel” sure made some not so pretty alignment.
Drilled, using my lamp to light up the magic :/
Filing to begin
Drilled, filed and sanded down with 800 grit to remove those small particles
Shot of the internal board, thoughest part of the mod. To find the 5 volt leads to connect the fan to.

Well that’s all for today, in all honesty not at all happy with the holes that I drilled. The alignment is not what I expected, but it will have to do for now….

02-04-2007, 08:09 PM
cool, you should check out what i did, im thinking about getting a more powerfull 5v fan instead of my 12v

02-04-2007, 10:08 PM
Finding the 5v is easy. I'm modding the same mouse. The 5v is the red wire, and the ground is the black. There.. saved ya some work with the multimeter. Word of advice, be VERY careful when pulling the connector out. I had a helluva time, and thought I broke it once. I ended up just stuffing the wires behind the plastic, and then used a soldering iron to melt the plastic shielding, and then soldered the wires together. Worklog is in my sig. Good luck with it though. Looks cool.

02-06-2007, 08:10 PM
Thnxs Reyer.

Sgtm thnx a lot for that tip, multimeter I have but using it is still a fumbling.
Using the knowledge that you have humbly shared with me I kind of took it in a different direction. After trying to pull the red wire out a couple times, I remembered “those things do go through to the bottom” So I flipped the board over and decided to solder there.

Board underside. Going from top down, 2nd from the top is the black wire and the last connection is the red.

Now my soldering skills being as 1337 as they are (not) I decided to use some tape to keep me from running onto the other solder joints.
1. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190/dr4xxx/Picture042.jpg
2. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190/dr4xxx/Picture043.jpg

All wired up and solid.

IT’S ALIVE!!!!!!!!

Fan off

Fan on

That’s all I can get in for today, wife doesn’t like it when I’m not in visual sight when she’s home. Just got to get the fan positioned and mounted and she’ll be done.

L8tr all

02-06-2007, 09:39 PM
Sweet! That's looking great, +rep!

02-07-2007, 03:47 AM
the hardest part for mee was actually getting the air moving

i think ur guna end up drilling alot more than you thingk

02-10-2007, 02:40 PM
well it's done. I must apologize for the lack of pics of it's completion. My lady took the cam out with her yesterday for dinner with her friends. :/.

Here's a a pic, air flow isn't that much better then the fan on its own and it makes a bit of a whistle.


cheers all.