View Full Version : 3xV

02-04-2007, 08:49 AM
Well I made a post before about making a dual PSU case, but I don't have the funds to do it yet, so I'm going to work on something else.

Well about the name 3xV, 3x=3xtreme V=victim.

Well the original HP case was very small and had bad airflow, so I transfered all the internals to a bigger case that I found in someone's trash can. I already started work on the case I'll post a few pics when i get home.

02-04-2007, 10:41 PM
Well I started this mod about 3 weeks ago and this is my first offical, I'm sorta scared that I will mess up but I have a secret weapon.

LOL ok enough joking around here are some pics. I threw away the old hp case and don't have any pics of it but here are the pics of the case I transfer it's internals too.
Heres some pics of it after I stripped it and painted the inside red.

02-06-2007, 03:08 AM
Well more about this project. Like I said in my first post all the internals were transfered from a small hp box. The internals are nothing special since the parts are more then 5+ years old. The current specs are 1.8ghz P3 cpu, and 256 megs of ram(max 512).

Well I guess I should explain the name a little better. I decided to call it 3xtreme Victim because that is exactly what the box is. It’s a victim. I’m going to load windows on this box and load it up with as many fire walls and antivirus programs I can find. Then with my main computer I’m going to attempt to hack into the 3xV.

02-06-2007, 05:13 AM
Hey welcome to the forums nice job so far with the paint.

Just a few house keeping issues though some people have slower connections then you or I so please make your pictures smaller or provide links.

Also that is cool using it as a test bench for hacking but please do not discuss hacking on the forum as it reflects directly on Paul as this forum is hosted on his own site. While you may be undertaking electronic trespass on your own system the forum is open to guests who may use any information for evil deeds.

But don't let this stop you from modding.

Painting the inside of your case is really nice most people neglect the inside they paint the outside install a window and inside the case all one can see is plain metal.

Also good choice of reading material I keep my copy under my pillow. Do you?

02-06-2007, 07:12 AM
I will go back changes the pics to links once I get home. Thanks.

Also to clarify what I'm really going to do with the system. I'm a network security analyst. So I deal with hackers, virus and so on. I'm going to infect and hack into this box, in hopes that I can learn better ways to do my job and to familiarize myself with things I deal with at work on a daily basis. Also I will not post anything that is not mod related on these forums.

02-06-2007, 10:30 AM
Well I started some work on the top panel of the case about a week and half ago.
As you can cut out some metal first then sprayed it with 2 coats of primere and wet sanded it down after each coat. This is the first coat of flat black, I'll start wet sanding it later on today.
I'll explain what I'm doing later, I'm a little tired and for some reason I can't type properly right now.

02-10-2007, 03:35 AM
Well I broke the acrylic piece i was working on for the top panel. Every time I try to drill a hole for screws the Acrylic cracks. Kinda of annoying so I'm going to have to start making another one.