View Full Version : Project: LEXA

The boy 4rm oz
01-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Well this is my first major mod so I'm going to make it simple. Well you can't really call it a mod but I'll let you decide.

There is no real theme to this mod but it's gonna stay with the overall look of my case. I have quite a few ideas about this mod but I'll share some of the more concrete ones first. I know there will be a little bit of cutting and grinding before the dismantleling of the case before spraying the whole interior mate black. I will make a frosted perspex box for the duel floppy bays that I will use as a place to store the fan cables and keep everything neat and tidy (I attempted one of these before but it didn't turn out to well lol). After that the case goes back together and I can start on the installation of the hardware and the water cooling.

This mod probably wont start 'til about June so for a while this thread will be mostly about design and questions. I will be ordering some of my water cooling items soon so my next post will be about thee system. It's my fist time water cooling so hopefully you can help me.

Thanks The boy 4rm oz

The boy 4rm oz
01-11-2007, 11:23 AM
Like I said last post I'm new to water cooling so I don't know what are the best brands (appart from Danger Den :)) or the best products.

I want to make an 1/2" system taking advantage of my top 80mm exhaust fan and the rear 120mm exhaust fan.

Here is a list of the products that I intend to purchase (Most fom Danger Den):
1x Black ICE GTS Stealth 120mm Radiator
1x Black Ice Micro 80mm Radiator
1x PrimoChill Typhoon Reservoir
1x Danger Den TDX 775 or RBX 775 (Can't decide)
1x Danger Den 8800GTX GPU Water Block
1x Danger Den CPS-MAG 12V Pump

Let me know what you think of if I should change anything.

Thanks The boy 4rm oz