View Full Version : Project: NES PC (By D_Stilgar)
05-30-2006, 04:15 AM
This is my worklog of my Nintendo Entertainment System turned to an PC. This is actually a rebuild of the one I've already posted on here. I'm hoping to clean it up a bit and I am forgoing the gaming idea. It's really hard to make it a gaming PC and not cost effective. Instead this will be a media center and rom machine.
That being said this case will have no new holes to the outside. No holes for mobo outputs or anything. I will use existing holes to do a similar/same job as the component in that place did before.
Here is the case. It needs to be cleaned up a bit, but that is always bset done near the end, right before final construction so that it doesn't get dirty while modding.
Here is the inside. I've already cut out the "T" and epoxied the remaining plastic back on the bottom. It needs to be sanded still, but being at school with no tools I may have to hold that for a while and work on another part.
Here is a power supply pic. I got this at It is an incredible 200 watts in that strip. (They also sell an incredible 120W pico PSU that everyone should seen.) I've already glued it into the case where it says "AC-ADAPTER" and it looks perfect.
This is what I got when I ordered two NES kits from for $17 each. For each kit you get a tiny chip and a six foot USB cord. For comparison, Nintendo controllers had a seven foot cord. The little paper that you can't read in the pic says,
"NES RetroKit wiring diagram at:"
Here are the modded power and reset buttons. I got these thin and easily solderable buttons here (
Here are my DVDs drives. The one on the left is the one I had in my old NES PC and is just a combo drive with no burning capabilities. The one on the right is a Panasonic UJ-845-B. Here are the stats: DVD-RAM 5x, DVD-R 8X, DVD-RW 4X, CD-R 24X, CD-RW 16X. Both are modded with DEAD Zelda carts. I am not a murderer.
Here's my real basic Toshiba 60Gb laptop HD.
Here's the mobo. It's a mini-atx form factor, Commel LV-670 board. I have a 1.8Ghz P4 in it and a 1Gb stick of cheap gigaram DDR. The cooler is a pretty cool copper cooler for 1U servers. It says that it is rated to 2.8Ghz, but I doubt it.
Here is a cheapo 802.11 b/g PCI card and a jumper/header for audio. The header has a stereo A/V converter so it can go out to a TV since that is my goal to have this look stock and function like an old NES.
Here is the Gyration wireless keyboard and mouse combo. The USB reciever has been rewired to be really short and to fit inside the NES since I don't want anything coming out of the finished product. The only problem is that I rewired it backwards (doh!) so I'll have to do it again. [On a side note Nintendo went to Gyration to have them make the gyros in their new Wii controlers]
This pic has a USB jumper for the mobo. This jumper can be unplugged from a small PCB that has the female USB part on it. I am hoping to use this USB jumper 'molex' type connector and disconnect it from the PCB and then resoldering/wiring that to the retrokit chips. The chips would also be soldered/wired to the 'molex' connector that leads to the NES female controller ports. This way I could just unplug a few cords when I want to work on something inside the PC and have easy access.
Last pic has a question attached to it. On the left we see the USB mobo jumper that came with the mobo. In the middle we see an extra jumper that I have and would like to use. On the right is the USB cable that came with the retrokit for the controllers. The one I want to use has a little bit of plastic guarding it from being plugged in the USB jumper place on the mobo. The one on the left has more black wires than the middle one I want to use, but the USB cable that came with the kit has only one black wire. Here's the question: Is it okay if I just pull out the little plastic guard and use the jumper I want anyways for the controller kit? What do the extra black wires do? They are just extra ground, right?
I am going to be constructing an inner box for all the parts that can be removed when I want to work/change something on the PC. I have 2mm sheet styrene and it will be perfect. Give me your oppinions and ideas.
05-30-2006, 06:51 AM
very nice idea indeed, i love total conversions :)
05-30-2006, 11:54 AM
Very nice work so far, D. I love NES conversions, and this is one of the better ones by far. Very professional quality. I love that you are utilizing the holes and ports that are already there instead of adding new ones.
I'm going to watch this very closely. I love this sort of work.
A stock NES mod. You crazy crazy dude.
That zelda cartridge work is well done. Too bad too, great game.
My opinon: You're nuts and I wanna see this thing finished.
My ideas: How are you going to do the power connector? Standard NES power supply?
06-02-2006, 02:22 AM
The power has been shown. I'm using an AC-DC setup that will look pretty close to original.
I've decided to mod the keyboard and mouse too. I am hoping to do more than just paint.
This is the closest thing to a Nintendo keyboard I have ever seen. It is a prototype for the US NES.
I need to find a PC keyboard with similar keys to mod my current keyboard (seen above). I'm not sure how much I will use from the pic, but a similar final product that is unmistakably Nintendo is what I want.
My only other question is about the scroll wheel on my mouse. It is this rubber material and I am fairly certain that it is unpaintable. Has anyone ever dealt with this? Thanks.
06-02-2006, 11:45 AM
mmmm I have to ask. Will the power glove by any chance make an apperance in this?
06-02-2006, 11:48 AM
As far as the scroll wheel, tech_Daddy had good results dying his by boiling it and then applying vinyl dye, I believe, to the hot wheel before it cooled, similar to the way you color football mouth guards. Check his Boss-FX mod for more details.
That keyboard is hotness. Where did you find it?
06-02-2006, 02:36 PM
I was in NYC about a month ago. I went to the Nintendo World store. Inside they have a mini-museum of Nintendo items. There was a prototype for an American Famicom there that later became the NES. It's called the Nintendo Advanced Video System and was only seen once to the public in 1984 at CES. It was never seen again until the opening of the Nintendo World store, where it is the only place where you can see one today. Part of me thinks that only one was ever made.
You can see the whole setup here
06-02-2006, 02:37 PM
Also at the store they had GBA SPs that had been signed by Shigeru Miyamoto for sale for $500. I didn't buy one cuz I am poor, and cuz they were sold out. I'm gonna cry the day he dies though.
06-02-2006, 08:49 PM
The only time I really don't feel bad double (or triple in this case) posting is in my own worklog.
Here's what I worked on today. It's not a lot but the next parts kinda have me scared (bondo and painting).
Here's the mobo in the case, the power, reset, and LED wired up. You can see that the blue IDE and USB jumper are both squished on either side of the power switch. I also have the PSU squeezed in between the ram. It has been painted with liquid electrical tape, but I'm more unsure about heat and just how unprofessional it is to have it there. It just fits so well.
Here is the work I've done to the DVD and HD. They will be mounted to the top in this fashion in a sheet styrene mounting bracket I'm building. You can also see that I have rounded part of the cables to help with bends and the limited airflow that will be in there.
Here I guess is a teaser. This is a pic of the keyboard again. The fifteen media buttons at the top will (hopefully) be replaced with "A B" buttons from NES contollers. The only problem is that I need to get eight controllers that I can hack up to do this. I am also hoping to add "venting" type stripes like on the Advanced Video System pic I have above.
06-02-2006, 10:43 PM
this looks sweet :)
ive been wanting to mod a cash register....
i just love total conversion mods :)
06-20-2006, 01:42 PM,1558,1638952,00.asp
Here is an example of a really well done mod. If I'm allowed to be bold, mine will be better. This is the quality I am aiming for though.
06-21-2006, 01:03 AM
We whose mods are about to be trumped, SALUTE YOU!
06-21-2006, 02:23 PM
for your keyboard you could fabricate the outter casing, and use ErgoDex DX1 keyboard to get the layout you want for key and type structure.
That is far too cool for me to not know about it. That keyboard rocks.
You can find 8 NES controlls for your keyboard on ebay. There's wholesale lots of broken consoles there. Just spend some time and 30 bucks and you have enough parts to make a working NES.
06-21-2006, 05:54 PM
I've been bidding on ebay. I've got some on the way, but I will still need to get a few more.
06-22-2006, 10:36 PM
since nintendo lost its right to be the sole provider for the NES console, you can actually buy brand new systems with added techn ology, and slimer design...
wow. I want one of those Generation Nex's. Finaly something to replace my long lost NES.
But I really don't see the point of wireless.
btw, Stilgar good luck with the level of quality you are shooting for, it won't come easily :). But with patience and carefull cuts it will come.
09-04-2006, 05:31 PM
Ok. I have a few things to update after a long time of this project sitting in a box. The controllers came that I got from ebay, but I still need four more.
As far as the Generation NEX machine goes, I've read bad reviews. They are overhyped.
Last thing is an odd thing, I looked through the worklogs trying to find this thread, but with no luck. I then used the search function and found it. Does the forum do this to keep dead threads from coming back?
09-05-2006, 03:50 AM
Oh cool. So how are you gonna mod the controllers so the plug in via USB? Even if you do wire them up you will need some drivers to get them working.
09-05-2006, 10:40 PM If you go there you will find USB converters. The drivers are USB drivers, imbedded in the chip, so no software is required besides a little tweaking from what is already in Windows.
I'm happy to see this project back on track. I want to see this one when finished.
01-22-2008, 03:13 AM
Wow. It's been too long since I've worked on this. Over the past two years I've been putting in token hours on this project, but my girlfriend and I now have a bet and I have to put in at least five hours a week until it's finished. Prepare for some massive updates in the next couple days.
Be excited.
01-29-2008, 04:14 AM
Well, it's been one week since I said this mod was back online. I'll start with some of the changes I've made since posting last.
First off, here is my new Mobo. It's the Jetway 7F2WE1G5D-OC-PB. It's a pretty nice little motherboard that only requires 25W and is way easier to cool. This is a huge improvement over the P4 I was trying to cool before. In this pic you can also see the PW-200-V from It's 200W, which will be more than enough.
This is as close as I can get to a complete do-over without calling it a completely new mod. Many of my ideas and design elements have stayed, so I am going to say that this is the same mod. Here is the gutted and epoxied bottom half of the NES case.
Here is the frame I am building to mount all the computer parts in. It's built out of 1.5mm sheet styrene. When it is done, the mobo, DVD drive, wireless card, HDD, and wireless keyboard/mouse controller will all be mounted to it and will be able to be lifted out of the NES without having to remove a million screws. It is a very tight fit, within a quarter of a mm, so when the lid of the NES is screwed on it will be very secure. I got the idea for this frame from here (
Here is a shot of the frame in the bottom of the NES.
These next two pics show how I will be able to disconnect what's mounted to the frame from what's permanently mounted to the NES case. So far all I have done is the power, which will be connected via a modified molex connector.
Here is the microscopic button for the slim-line slot loading DVD drive. When the Zelda disguise cartridge is on the DVD drive, this button cannot be accessed. I soldered two lead wires onto the button mounts. These wires will eventually be connected to a button at the back of the case that will be used to trigger the eject button. That button will be disguised as the "Ch3-Ch4" switch. Hopefully anyone but the truest Nintendo fan will be fooled by the outside of this case. From all angles it will still look like a stock NES.
I soldered the chips I got from to the controller ports and then on to USB cords. Hooray for USB Nintendo controllers!
Here is a quick look at what I have left to solder this week. I have the 1/8 jack to RCA, the small RCA extension, and the power LED. The Power and Reset buttons have to be soldered as well. I will (hopefully) make a box so that the power/reset/powerLED are all in one plug, so that I can unplug as little as possible when removing the inner case. There are the mobo mount screws. They will be attached tomorrow (hopefully) to the inner case and then I can mount the mobo for the first time.
That is it for this update. Hopefully by this time next week I will be ordering a 120Gb HD for the mod and I will be starting on the very difficult keyboard and mouse mods. Stay tuned!
d stil is back to modding! ive been waitin for you to finish this thing...i got a gutted nes waitin for me
nothin better than a girlfriend that encourages modding
01-30-2008, 04:55 AM
Well, another day has gone by and I have put in many more hours on the mod.
To start things off I will show you that I soldered everything I needed to today except the power LED. Oh well. I built the adapter for the audio and the RCA video extension.
The 1/8in jack to female RCA.
The video extension.
And how it looks from the back of the case. I know this isn't the original position, but I chose to put the audio together because most people think that's the way it should look.
I worked pretty hard today on getting the motherboard mountable. It took a long time because I had to make sure that after things were glued in place and the motherboard was mounted, that the mobo would not interfere with anything else in the case. It turned out that as I was test fitting I noticed that the motherboard was going to hit the video out. At the time I had not yet even mounted the video out. The motherboard mounts were moved 3mm closer to the front of the case than I originally planned because of this. The benefit is that the cables from the mobo can be routed through the back of the case now, so it ended up being a plus overall.
The internal case with motherboard risers.
The motherboard mounted. You can see the power and sata cables running through the back.
I know it is hard to see, but here is where the video out is now mounted and it is about 1mm away from the PS2 ports.
Time for a test fit! I put all the yet-to-be-mounted goodies inside. This included a USB wireless card, the wireless keyboard and mouse controller, the DVD drive, the PSU, the motherboard, the NES controller to USB adapters, the audio adapter, and the video extension. Oh yeah, and the power and reset buttons.
All tossed in, you can see most of that isn't mounted yet.
Here is the mess of wires that are plugged into the motherboard, (just so I could be as close to the real thing as possible.)
And here it is with the lid on. I opened the door so you can see that there really is all the stuff in there. The lid fits well. There are no screws holding it on in this pic and there is nothing trying to push it off the bottom of the case. This is good, very good.
Modding makes my room a huge stinkin mess. This is disgusting. I need to pick up.
After! This is better.
For anyone who is wondering, the poster on the wall is my gf. She is the one who I have the bet with. So far I am winning. I'm putting lots of time into my mod. She does try to keep me from winning by calling me all the time (long distance relationship), but it hasn't stopped me yet. That's right, I have a girlfriend who wants me to mod, and who likes to talk to me. My life is pretty good. Haha.
I'm out for the night.
01-30-2008, 07:52 PM
this looks awesome! plus, I am jealous of your workspace! very nice. +rep :)
01-31-2008, 07:46 PM
Really good work man, most of the consoles i see modded into computers are hack jobs. Props for making this look stock. Also sounds like you have a great girl.
02-03-2008, 06:22 AM
Time for another update. I took a few days off to mediate on how to proceed. I've been really scared about how to go about modding the keyboard. Back in the beginning, I said that I wanted the keyboard modded to be unmistakably Nintendo. I've decided that the keyboard will have the shape of the NES Advantage controller. The media buttons on the keyboard will be actual buttons from NES controllers.
To start off, I needed to replace the bottom keycaps so that there was no longer the slight arc. I really felt that would detract. I went to several stores looking for the right keycaps, but with no luck. I finally bought a keybaord at a thrift store for $3.00 that had square keycaps that were the same size. However, they did not fit on my keyboard. I guess this is why it is called modding.
Here is the keyboard with the unmodded kaycaps. You can see the arc. Boo!
Here are the keycaps that are the right width, but not the right height, and they aren't compatible with the keyboard.
I set up a jig on my scroll saw to cut all the keys the same. It worked pretty good if I must say so myself. Here you can see the space bar being cut.
I cut all the original keys, then adjusted the jig and cut the keys from the $3 keyboard.
I glued them together. They will be perfected later, before I paint and put new lettering on the keys. When I glued, the glue got on the pegs and made the keys stick when I typed. I spent about an hour scraping off extra glue to get them all to work properly.
For reference, go here ( to see the media buttons I am talking about.
As I said before, I will be replacing the media buttons with original NES controller buttons. To do this I had to trace the printed circuit board so I could know where to solder the buttons. Keyboards use a key-matrix to determine what button was pressed. Several buttons use the same contact, but no two buttons use the same two contact points. The easiest way to imagine this is like a game of Battleship. There are many points in each row, but they must be combined with a correlating column to determine a point.
I'm not sure I described that well, but here is the map to prove that I really spent all that time mapping the media buttons:
The next three were on a different matrix, and I have already soldered the wires, so they have a different mapping system.
Vol Up
Yellow, Black
Vol Down
Black, Blue
Black, Red
It took me about an hour and a half to trace all the lines back to the appropriate places. It will be so worth it in the end though.
Earlier I showed that I soldered leads onto the DVD drive's eject button and I said that later I would make a new button in the back. Here's that.
The completed DVD drive with wire leads coming off it.
A "Ch3-Ch4" style switch to be modded.
Taken Apart.
A hinge type switch that it will eventually be connected to.
I used my grinder to make the plastic of the switch thinner and then glued it to the hinge switch.
I then used some scrap 1.5mm sheet styrene and glued the hinge switch assembly to the metal housing of the original switch.
I then glued that assembly to the original place inside the Nintendo.
The result is a button that looks like a switch. Neat! The button, as I said earlier, will be the eject button for the DVD drive.
That's it for this update. This week I plan on fabricating the plastic that will become the keyboard innards' home. Like I said, it will look like an oversized NES Advantage controller. Also this week I hope to go to an auto paint shop and see if I can't get some custom paint mixed to match the Nintendo case. This will be used on the keyboard and the motherboard box.
Thanks for the comments. They are very appreciated and help me to stay excited for this project. I may not get as many comments as some of the other worklogs, but I feel like my quality of work is at least just as good as most of them.
02-06-2008, 08:03 PM
nice work on the button / ch3-ch4 selector. good idea. :)
02-08-2008, 10:20 PM
Headers done and placed. It's kind of simplistic but then again I didn't think anything too edgy or intricate would match the theme of the classic Nintendo.
02-10-2008, 11:45 AM
This looks great. I have been wanting to do something like this for a few years now. All of the mods that I have seen to date have a huge hole cut out in the back and I don't like that.
03-12-2008, 02:31 PM
I plan on building one myself, so to have a decent emulation machine and media center ^^
I am also building one right
started yesteraday and should be done by next week
ill start a project thread soon
04-12-2008, 11:26 AM
I'm really glad to see other people getting on board and building NES PCs again. I need to get back to work on this. I've been super busy lately, with 21 credits in school, wedding plans, and a few client builds. I really do want to get back to work, though.
Thanks for the support!
Bobby Lemain
04-30-2008, 01:28 AM
I'm really glad to see other people getting on board and building NES PCs again. I need to get back to work on this. I've been super busy lately, with 21 credits in school, wedding plans, and a few client builds. I really do want to get back to work, though.
Thanks for the support!
I saw your two NESPCs and your dummy cartridge really inspired me to create one of my own (using freedom force), but space, money, and practicality have stopped me for now...
but anyways, I'd like to say, seeing RECENT progress on this project has left me dumbfounded and that I am honored to be able to speak to some1 working the same project as me!
I'd like to also give u props on the idea of using a REMOVABLE shelving system, as I was going to use plexiglass to make a permanent shelf, but have been cut for space (I left the "T" in and the metal "T" for the power/audio/video to keep the bottom stock from the outside) and it is possible for me to include either a removable videocard through "disguised" cartridge, or a static dvd drive like yours...but my only concern is air flow.
my motherboard sits in the upright position, and the CPU fan rests right where the opening for the cartridge slot is, so when a dummy cart is inserted, the cpu receives little or no air... and that isn't good.
so i guess i'll see how things go...
but anyways, great work!
01-06-2010, 10:08 PM
Since Rods and Mods is coming up I had a real reason to work on this again. Instead of having the ports connected directly to the NES case I relocated them to the inner frame. I built a hinged shelf for the DVD drive, which rests on the motherboard but moves out of the way if you need to remove the motherboard completely.
I also relocated the NES controller adapters into a standard NES controller and NES Advantage. The controller ports that I had them soldered to before became USB adapters.
Now just USB to NES
Beneath the DVD drive I cut a piece off the original cartridge slot to give it an authentic look. It looks really good.
I plugged in the computer, fixed a short in the power supply, and powered it up. It was not plugged in to a monitor, but I just wanted to check the dvd drive. The DVD would go in, but it was really right. It had problems ejecting the DVD so I dismantled the Zelda part and played with the naked drive. The button wasn't working properly. I replaced the button with a solderable push button but I overheated it and it wouldn't push properly anymore. I tried again but the same thing. I finally just used a normal toggle switch like on the original NES and that did the trick. Turn it on and then off and your DVD will eject.
I continued to work on the DVD drive. It ejects better now, but still needs some work.
I have ordered a wired keyboard and mouse that I can easily modify in time for Rods and Mods. There will not be time to finish the wireless versions, and I think wired versions will have a certain appeal that will work well at the show.
Time for some glory shots. Enjoy!
And a Youtube video
01-07-2010, 02:22 PM
that thing is so cool :) can't wait to see it next month! you should have seen the look on my girlfriends face when I once suggested modding our SNES, it was a clear NO. LOL...guess I'd have to buy another one if I wanted to do that...
Does the controller actually do anything (and same goes for the RCA jacks, they hooked up to anything?)
01-07-2010, 03:32 PM
All the outputs function as they did in the NES. The modded controllers plug in to play games, the RCA ports all work, as does the power jack and power and reset buttons. The channel 3/4 switch now ejects the DVD drive.
01-07-2010, 06:00 PM
Very cool D! I really like the way that came out, stealthed beyond belief!
01-07-2010, 06:44 PM
Nice; I was looking forward to seeing more work done on it. :)
What a nintendo fanboy XD Congrats on that cool work!!!
01-10-2010, 08:22 PM
Looking amazing dude!
02-02-2010, 04:35 AM
I wanted to post a quick update. I'm working on a keyboard and mouse to go with the computer. They are both pretty much done. They just need some waterslide decals printed and applied, and then a few coats of semi-gloss clear.
I replaced the cords with the NES version, since the controller port is USB now. I painted them to match the NES.
Here's the keyboard before.
And after. It's modeled after the NES Advantage next to it.
Here's the mouse on top of the NES. It could use a little touch up before clear. I'll make sure to do that.
02-02-2010, 02:01 PM
Looking good!
02-03-2010, 02:12 PM
Alright. It's going to get mailed off today. Here are some quick videos I loaded to youtube last night. I'll be mailing this to Trace today and those of you who will be at Rods and Mods will be able to see it in person.
02-04-2010, 08:05 PM
Do you want those videos playing next to your case?
I could take my netbook and set it up next to it full screen showing those.
02-04-2010, 08:07 PM
That would be awesome. Thanks a million!
02-04-2010, 08:23 PM
If you have the raw video files I can put it on an infinite loop, PM and I'll give you my E-mail
02-06-2010, 08:41 PM
Brilliant project and now with matching keyboard & mouse :up:.
02-10-2010, 03:00 AM
It arrived for Rods and Mods:
02-10-2010, 04:36 AM
Is the paint convincing enough? I was really trying to make a keyboard and mouse that looked like they could have been made by Nintendo. Obviously the Windows buttons on the keyboard ruin that, but I ran out of time so I couldn't do anything about it.
02-10-2010, 04:39 AM
Yeah, I might have gone with red keys instead of the black. But the whole mod looks AMAZING.
How did you want it displayed?
02-10-2010, 04:52 AM
I'd say plug in the mouse and keyboard. Put the controllers to the side. You can display the bag if you want, but it really isn't necessary. You don't even have to display the controllers since there's nothing really special about them (at least to look at that is). Don't power it up, so there's really no need to have the power brick out either. There are some more early pics at the beginning of this worklog if you haven't finalized a video. Ummm . . . I think that's it.
Quick edit, make sure the cartridge lid is open. That's a big part of the mod.
02-10-2010, 06:11 AM
I was going to ask about that. That CD drive is SLICK!
Will do. I'll take lots of pics of it on display to finish out this worklog :up:
02-10-2010, 10:59 AM
That is an unbelievably stealthy mod! Love the keyboard and mouse! Congrats on getting it finished.
02-11-2010, 02:05 AM
Quick update. I logged into that photobucket account so earlier build pics are available now.
02-11-2010, 02:19 AM
cool :) love this build. have been a fan of it for the longest time. should have made you stop by (or I couldve stopped by you too lol) when you were in Rexburg so I couldve seen the glory in real life!
08-04-2011, 07:43 PM
Hey, I'm sorta thinking about selling this computer. I'm not sure on price . . . maybe I'll just ebay the thing. Still, if anyone here makes a solid enough offer I'd rather have it go to someone in the forums.
08-15-2011, 08:56 PM
06-04-2012, 10:52 AM
I know this thread is a little old, hoping you still get notifications on here!
Firstly - just want to say that this is by far the best NES mod I have seen out there!
Did you end up selling it? What is it worth?
I am making my own NES PC mod aswell.
I have a question regarding the USB NES ports.
Are there or did you have any issues with the USB NES ports?
USB has that shielding around the wires and obviously the actual NES port on the case and the port on the end of the controller won't have it ...
The wires on the end of the controller port also look pretty dodgy ... I wasn't able to open the plug up at all so was just planning on cutting it a few cm away from the port and using the wires in there.
Or did you somehow shield it all?
06-04-2012, 07:31 PM
The lack of shielding never gave me any issues. They work great. I know that I (somewhere in there) cut and stripped some pretty thin wire and soldered them to the USB leads. It was somewhat difficult, and I have some pretty junk soldering equipment, but I've never had a single issue with them.
I also still have the NES. I keep debating what to do with it. Whether I sell it or hang onto it, what parts of it I would want to sell, etc.
06-04-2012, 10:55 PM
No worries, thanks for your advise :)
I wouldn't sell it! It's pretty awesome!
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