View Full Version : Interested in learning PCB and the works
02-23-2011, 10:26 PM
Hi all, as you can tell I'm new to the forums but looking forward to joining in on the forums.
So I'm to say the least willing and wanting to learn how to make my own PCB's and so forth but would like to some references to start off small and work my way up, I've seen SXRguyinMA on facebook and jdbson on MI so i decided to come check out TBCS. And thanks to SXRguyinMA posting his power house project and making realize TBCS has this great section.
If anyone here could show me the ropes or point me in the right direction that would be great, I'll be checking out some threads to see what i can find to help me along the way. If you have any suggestions please let me know. :D
02-23-2011, 10:41 PM
Welcome to TBCS! There are several methods to creating your own PCBs. Some are quite dangerous and others are harmless. The one thing they all have in common is that you first must design the PCB. There are a lot of programs out there that can do this, but the universal one used by many hackers / DIYers is Cadsoft's Eagle. There is a free version that limits your board size to 4"x4" IIRC.
Once your design is complete you can choose to etch your own pcb, or send it to a fab house for a professional looking board.
Which ever you choose will determine my next post.
02-23-2011, 10:50 PM
I would defiantly stick to etching my own boards at first, keeping them simple and easy to begin with, then possible move on to sending it to a fab house like you described.
What would be a good starter project, doesn't have to have any special but rather a good learning project.
02-23-2011, 10:59 PM
having worked doing circuit layout for the past 12 years, i'd suggest just sending your board out to a fab house. they can be actually cheaper than you think.
for personal stuff i would go here
their board fab is crazy cheap.
what you will have to learn though, is how to use the layout software, which can be extremely daunting. then you have to understand the board stack up. finally you need to know how to set up the gerber files to send to the fab house.
i always had trouble figuring out eagle. there is also freepcb. has their own software and you just send them the file you make and they fab it up. no need to learn about the intricacies of board design.
if you have any more questions about pcb layout, just ask. i'll help with whatever advice i can.
02-23-2011, 11:16 PM
Wow this is awesome guys!! I'm sure it'll all come to me eventually. I've just installed Cadsoft's Eagle and it looks like a bit much but I'm currently checking out the examples n' messing around with it. Looks interesting none the less.
And thanks xr4man for pointing out that etching could be better off tell later. I've now checked out apcircuits and see what you mean. Lol still got to grasp the abbreviations n' such but soon enough.
Thanks again for all this help! Really appreciate it!
02-23-2011, 11:18 PM
I used the free version of Eagle to do my board layouts, and sent my first board (see the louverduino post in this section) to BatchPCB ( and it worked out to $15 each for 2 boards, but it's a 3-4 week turnaround. Board came out nice, and a bottle of etchant and a copper clad board will cost you $15 anyways!
And welcome! :D
02-23-2011, 11:20 PM
Wow this is awesome guys!! I'm sure it'll all come to me eventually. I've just installed Cadsoft's Eagle and it looks like a bit much but I'm currently checking out the examples n' messing around with it. Looks interesting none the less.
Eagle is fairly easy to learn. I had never seen or used it before and the boards I designed for Power house I whipped up in no time. Go to Sparkfun ( and look through their tutorials section, there's a nice one about getting started with and using Eagle :up:
02-24-2011, 12:00 AM
Disclaimer: I was once sponsored by these guys and they are current advertisers on my website (
For fabhouse, check out for their fab service. They do 10 small boards for $20 total and 10 Medium -large boards for $40.
Also Eagle stacks all of your files (board, screen print, etc) for you.
As for etching your own the process is fairly simple but involves some nasty chemicals.
Check out these links.
Other links of interest:
as for your first project, I think this would be a fun one to etch. I posted it last year after watching a PBS special on Theremins.
02-24-2011, 01:01 AM
WOW I'm just ecstatic with all the reply's so far, this is defiantly a good start. I'll have to do more research and figure out eagle, but like I said all in time.
@Oneslow28 Thanks for all the references and tutorials, this will defiantly help me on my way. You've posted so much and I'll be sure to check out everything! :D And the Theremin looks to be a perfect starter project. Thanks for the hints tricks and references!
@SXRguyinMA Thanks for the reference I'll be sure to check it out. And it gives me a bit of confidence knowing power house was your first PCBs you produced and went easy for you. Thats just awesome, to be honest it seemed like you've been doing it for years from my end. Lol good to know!!
This is all very much Appreciated, to be saying the least. Looks like you guys got my work cut out for me, and defiantly pointed me in the right direction. Lol ya got me hooked already, lol hopefully picking this sort of thing up doesn't bother the wifey to much ;) I already confuse her with all my nonsense I talk haha this just might push her over the edge. jkin. Lol
02-24-2011, 01:09 AM
well I haven't had the PCBs for power hosue made yet, check out my louverduino thread in this section, that was my first shop-made :D
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