View Full Version : A good case mod?
04-13-2006, 07:31 AM
I saw this and its to early in the morning so i thought it was a case.
If some one were to enlarge this close to 50x then it could me a cool looking case mod.
The colling would be great because of the insanely large fan your would need.
I dont know just an idea.
04-13-2006, 07:37 AM
As a case design it would be a novelty.
maybe use some old car radiators :)
I wouldn't want to dust it.
You'd probably get annoyed with it, imagine having a normal sized oscillating floor fan < 2 feet from your face. It LOOKS pretty cool though, you could base something off that idea!
04-14-2006, 10:22 AM
Chex is right. It depends on where abouts You want to put the case. If Yer gonna moddit, why else would You be here, then You want it on show Yeah. Which means probably right next to the old noodle. and when that fan starts up you dont want it suckin Yer eyebrows off:p . In a decent case mind it might just rock. Thats what its all about though, experimenting..
04-17-2006, 01:56 PM
try making into like a futureistic air craft style and stick it in front and put like 2 cages around that beast.
The Modfather
04-18-2006, 03:10 AM
Does the fan actually have to operate? Just aesthetically speaking if you built something like that it'd look cool even if the fan didn't spin. Or if it did, why not just have it rotate very slowly for the look without the annoyance?
04-18-2006, 11:27 PM
and that is why they call you the modfather :) i think a big slow moving fan would be sharp.
remember the movie total recall? when CoHagen shuts off the air to the mutants and the huge air fan stops. i picture somthing like that...
The Modfather
04-19-2006, 12:37 AM
Yes, that's it exactly Cana, that's exactly the picture I had in my head too, freaky. :)
To do the fins, you could (if you have the tools and supplies) cut out thin sheets of aluminum with a hollow center for a bare bones case to hold the guts or, if you're on a budget and lack the tooks and so forth, use poster board and chrome automotive striping (sometimes you can get deals on large quantites of the stuff on ebay. I recently got a 6" by 1000' roll of it for $75, it normally sells in 6" by 3' rolls at around $20 so you can see what kind of deal that is). But that might be too flimsy.
Rather than the poster board, maybe getting several dozen sheets of acrylic from home depot and using them with the chrome on them, or not, if you can get it, use a UV reactive plastic, there are suppliers for this stuff online. If I hadn't had a crash last month I had a link to a great supplier for bulk UV plastics, have the fins made of UV plastic and glowing, that might look neat.
04-24-2006, 06:03 PM
you could just exclude the big ol fan altogether. it might look alright just to not have it at all, and have smaller fans on the inside, or even liquid cooled
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