View Full Version : Project: Outpost 948
ok I'm starting back on this after a 4 month break from minor work, and a 6 month break from major work so I'm just reposting the topic without my procrastination posts. I've suddenly become organized and they were getting on my nerves. If you want to see the old one go here: .
Also please ignore any spelling mistakes as I'm sure they were pointed out before ;)
The year is 2126, for over the past 100 years the world has been in war. This has not been a war of boundaries, but a war of belief. In the start on the new Millinea, the world was shocked by the first of many terrorist attacks. Attacks like nothing that could have been imagined. Each one bringing thousands of deaths. The United States formed a coalition with other nations in an attempt to bring those responsible "to justice". For 15 years they fought a blind war, never knowing where the increasing number of attacks were coming from, or even who was organizing them. By 2050 nearly 1 million people had been killed, either in fighting, or from unseen attacks. The world agreed they must fight together to stop this ghostly evil. All free countries, and even some non free ones, Cuba, China, and many others came together with The United States and England to fight under one flag, the flag of know as that of Nations for Global Peace. Then it happened... an attack so massive, it instantly killed 250,000 people, with 400,000 wounded. The total death count would be over 600,000. A nuclear weapon had struck one of the nations largest cities. It could have been worse, but the missile malfunctioned, going under-water before it exploded. After this point, the newly formed NGP set out to create a defense system like nothing the world had ever seen. A system to make Hitlers Atlantic wall look like a child's fort made from card-board boxes. They decided on a system of self sufficient cities, with airports, and research labs, hospitals and water purifiers; they decided on; Outposts. Outposts with the most advanced Radar systems, top-of-the-line air craft. The Outposts themselves were bunkers made to survive nuclear attacks. Thousands of these bunkers were built, in steamy Jungles, in frigid mountains, on small islands, and in the arid deserts. They were given numbers for easy identification in case of an attack. This is one of those Outposts. This is Outpost 948.
Ok, have fun reading? Yes I got bored, anyway. To give an idea of how this mod is designed (I don't have CAD or and fancy drawings,so your going to have to imagine this one :p ). I'll post some pics when I can get my digital camera workin. Anyway, I started with a mid-size ATX case, I will be using something I love from the Doom 3 mod, the rocks.In my mod rocks will create a small mountain on the front left of the case, the mountain will slope down till it hits the ground on the lower right side of the case. There will be a tunnel with a 120 mm fan inside. The right side will have a window, and on top of the case there will be a, acrylic box on a bit of an angle, on top the will be a runway with a few jets and helicopters. The rocks will be painted tan and I will attempt to give the the appearence of the desert. The case will be painted a tan color. Yes I know it seems plain, but would it be that fun if I told you everything right away?
Well, I'll post some pics of what I've done tomarrow, once I get the time. most of this mod will be built with things I have laying around, my budget is about $100, so I need to spend wisely, hopefully it will turn out pretty nice.
lol, yeah I mean bored. I was falling asleep when I wrote that. You should have seen the amount of speling errors in my little background paragraph before spell-check.
Ok here is the case I am using. Its an old beige box. It used to have a P3 600mhz inside, but I'm going to be putting in my P4 3 ghz (which is my normal PC) in it instead.
Heres the left side, it has a cutout that I used for my Project Husky. When I make the window I just have to be sure that I cut around the current hole and everything should be dandy.
And heres the right side:
This cases was sitting in my room for about 4 months during the school year, I got board while doing my homework and would draw on it, thinking about modding it but never cutting it, which is why theres writing all over it :p
What I am going to do is first give it a gray base coat, then I will paint some areas tanish to get the impression of sand and the desert, then I am going to give areas of a darker gray and rust. I'm still debating how to make the inside look though, if I want to make it seems all futuristic but in the desert (think of Area 51 from Independance Day), or make it look like a battle was inside as well. If anyone thinks one will look better than the other, let me know, give your opinion, thats why this is here :D .
Also I did a (really) quick drawing in photoshop of the basic design that I have decided on. Ok this looks REALY crappy because usually if I have an idea, I draw it out on paper not the PC, so please don't laugh here, its free handing on a computer :P.
Of course this is without the paint scheme I just described.
The scan lines are where I'm going to stealth my 2 drives, proboly by painting them and covering them with some mesh.
Ok, so I got some more pictures today, and did quite some work.
First I cut out my window. Once it was cut out I decided to fill in the "handles" on the case sides with bondo to smooth them out.
Then I sanded them smooth.
Once they were pretty smooth I took them out to the garage and gave them each a coat of white primer. Tomorrow I will sand it out a bit more and then give it another coat.
Heres a picture of the window that I cut out. I think it look pretty cool, but thats because I cut it :p . I'm playing around with a few ideas for the window, I'm thinking of puting some mesh infront of the plexiglass. Anyway heres the left panel.
Over the past few days I have been slowly building my mountain. Heres how its coming so far.
As I said before there will be a cave in the rocks housing a 120mm fan. To make the tunnel I am using the cover of a CD spindle. Its almost a perfect size for a 120mm.
And just for fun I thought I would post a pic of my "workplace". Its really just some white table my dad got for free when they moved out of an office building and a spot light, also note the extremely comfortable concrete floor.[/sarcasm]
ok, update. Having cancled our final trip for the summer I have had alittle time to work on this. and in a sense I have "gone back to the drawing board". The more I looked at the design the more I realized how boring a large mountian was. In this pic from my last update you can see alitle of what I mean:
As I stuck the rocks togather they loose alot of texture. I feel that if I were to build the whole thing the way I currently am, it would look too manufactured, not like rock. So, to combat this I have been throwing around some ideas, things like a tank depot, turrets, or missles..anything to bring the mountian to life. This project is like a monster, every time I look at I get some other idea and that gets added to the bunch. I have some plans for inside now, as well as the window to make it look like it really got shot through. Also, I might be removing the plans for a 5 inch LCD in favor of this because it has a more "militaristic" look to it:
Also it can control some fans and lights. But more on that later ;) .
Well, thats about where this project is at now. I need to get somethings before I continue, for the landing strip on top I am torn between build model aircraft, or just getting some die-cast models and the re-painting them. I'm leaning toward the die-cast ones becasue they are easier, and much more sturdy.
I'll think about it, I don't want it to fall of going to LAN's though :p .
Ok update time.
So today I spent about an hour walking around my basement thinking about my project. (Because if I tell my mom I'm working on something, then I don't have to clean my room) Anyway, during this time I found these:
Foam posterboard, at first I didn't think much about it, then I remembered my dad had found them by a dumpster at his office and told me I could do what ever I wanted to with them. So I began thinking, then after dinner I started building. I cut out some shapes with an Xacto knife I found in a box. I then hot glued these cutout the the right side of the case.
Heres what I have done so far:
Tomarrow I am going to do some more cut-outs and paste them on.
OH, yeah, when I was wondering around and moving some boxes I found this and instantly thought, "WTF? This looks like its from a Half Life 2 mod".
ok heres the new stuff.
Having the main put off for this project be my lack of any workspace, I decided I needed to do something about that. It so happens that I also had my mom getting on my back about my closet being a mess and possibly a biohazard zone.
I bet you can see where this is going. So about 2 weeks, 3 industrial sized garbage bags, a 55 gallon rubbermaid box later, plywood, particle board, 6 two-by-fours, and many deckmate screws later I ended up with this as my closet.
I also recently inventoried all the computer parts I have laying around, plus I'm getting another old computer from my dads office (score!).
OH and my dad got this new toy which I enjoy using as well:
Nikon D70S camera.
Ok well thats that. Heres what I did on the mod with my new space. First the case itself. I cut some sheet aluminium to put over the drive bay's to cover them. I'm proboly going to wet sand it and the and some more mesh on it around the edges.
I also did some work on my window. I used plastistruct pieces to add to the "blast through" effect. And the plexi you see is just a place holder untill I can find some gray/smoked plexi to replace it. And of course I had to make use of modders mesh, I love this stuff. Not really sure how to describe how I used it, better just take a look:p .
The duct tape is just holdiong the plexi so I can see how it looks before I get the smoked kind.
Well, that about where this stands now. I will be working on this when ever I get the time which should be pretty often, aslong as I can come up with good ideas for stuff.
01-10-2006, 01:34 AM
The design seems nice. Loving the window cut out. Nice job! What LCD screen you getting?
01-10-2006, 12:26 PM
im guna keep watching this it looks like it has a lot of potential :)
01-10-2006, 01:13 PM
I like this one love the change from the commonly shaped windows.
The only question i have is would the foam posterboard might have issues in painting? but if not i like the idea cuz i have tons of that stuff around.
RobjaFalu: I may change this to exclude the LCD. I don't want to spend $100 on one, and the 5 inch LCD I had went through a little accident this last weekend. While cleaning my room a Capacitor fell off the control board, if I can't figure out where it came fromand fix it I will have to exclude it from the mod.
Crimson13: I would proboly discourage the use of foam board. What I didn't realize untill I got that quarter done is that the foam tends to dissolve when in contact with spray paint. I haver to hot glue completely around each piece, and when I paint it I will make it look like metal/welding.
01-10-2006, 11:12 PM
yeah i figured that the foam would do that but you could use caulk as well as hot glue and the caulk you can form to a 45 degree angle with a flat edge along the foamboard or any shape to give it a diff look cuz it dosent dry as fast as the hotglue would
01-11-2006, 12:40 AM
wow, looking really nice
thanks abnoea.
Crimson13, you can shape hot glue, it just requires a zippo and an OLD screwdriver 8).
I have a question for yall too. I'm lookiong for some cheap mesh, not modders mesh, have that. I just need something with a different pattern, I don't want to over use the stuff I have, any recomendations welcome.
01-11-2006, 09:25 PM
there is expanded steel that has a diamond pattern to it but not sure where to get it or how much it would be but its an idea.
yeha I have seen that, but its about $50 for a 2ft by 1ft piece.
02-16-2006, 04:39 PM
Hey Aero, you could go up to your local walmart or what not and buy one of those mesh trash cans, cut it up and you have some different mesh. The cans sell for like I don't know 10 bucks or something?
I'm using one for another project.
Well, I went to Walmart. And bought some of those desk accessories during a sale and now have 2 types of mesh8) .
Ok, update on this. I recently got my brand new Scroll Saw. A craftsman 18 inch. Ok, pictures speak better than words, so heres what I got cut for the first sit down.
Sorry for he yellow tint, the lights in my room suck, I'll get a clearer pic for the next update. These are to replace the old foam board I had there. Each will be flame polished on the sides and painted on the top. then I will place an LED under them so they glow 8). Which will hopefully give an interesting effect. the top will be painted to what I can only describe as "desert rust". So yes, I have no idea how it will look yet:p. Also you may have notice I only have enough for part of the case. i'm still brainstorming on what to do with the back half the panel. but as for the top of the front half, its going to be a lesson is makeing use of everything. Heres the pieces I'm starting with.
I'm hopeng to work on it today so I'll try to get an update soon.
Well, I got time to work on this today.
First thing I got done was to empty that can of Coke 8). I then took to it with a Dremel cutting disk and cut off the bottom, the part that curves inward. Then I masked off the paper clip cup. And marked where to cut because it was alittle too long for what I'm using it for.
After it was taped and marked off evenly it was time to bust out the ol' Dremel.
After i cut it I noticed it was a bit long, but I didn't want to cut more because if I did it wouldn't let enough light out once I place an LED in it. So to add to the otherwise plain mesh I took some piece of Aluminium I had laying around and cut them into small plates to match the Acrylic on the bottom of the panel.
I also took some Aluminium angle channel I had and placed it around the old 80mm fan holder I ripped out of the case to make room for a 120mm.
The mesh cup fits over the hole perfect too. I need to bondo them togather still but I'm goign to wait to bondo some other things at the same time, sohere how far it is now.
Also heres a close up of the plexi I cut for the bottom half.
If nothing else, you're being very inventive on this mod. I'd like to see how this works out.
Have you considered getting a piece or two of scrap case?
05-03-2006, 02:12 PM
*scratch head*
Interesting stuff. Can't wait to see where you go with this. Very inventive - I love scrap-built projects.
05-03-2006, 04:26 PM
Don't know how i missed this thread! Keep up the great work man, really inventive stuff here.
I got my mesh for free from a metalwork shop, they just gave it to me. Man i love those guys when i hear some of the horror stories on these forums!
Short Modder
05-30-2006, 08:30 PM
Really Sweet mod man! Must see more soon!!
06-09-2006, 02:50 PM
Love the story behind the mod. So far it's looking pretty damn good. Will be checking in on this.
Well, all my friends have work so I get time with this while my other projectsw are cooling, drying, being glued, etc.
Ok well, after many dremal sanding disks, about an hour of hand sanding and shaping I finally got the side vent looking good. I need to make some more shielding for the base but heres what its at now. And I'm trying to pull togather ideas for the rest of this side. If anyone has any ideas feel free to post them. Its always great to here what everybody thinks. Plus I have tons of room to fill here. Still have half this side, the top, maybe the back, and more. But heres that vent sanded down.
Ther are still imperfections but they will be covered with the shields or painted over and will actually add to the realism.
06-13-2006, 08:28 PM
I have never seen a coke can be used in a mod before.
I am so watching this now.
Well, this will be placed in the upper left on the right side of the case. It will also be lit with a red LED.
OK, update time.
I also got to work on this more today. I took the shields I made out of sheet Aluminium and attached them. For the longest time I couldn't figure out how to attach them. I wanted the raised up abit, but also to be secure. Then walking through Home Depot (I get more ideas that way), I spooted these little boys while picking up some Aluminium.
They are just 2 inch long finishing nails. I liked them because of the heads which have a little dimple right in the center.
I drilled hole in the corners of the shields and then holes in the mesh as well. And luckly they lined up :D . So heres how its lookin.
Some of them overlap slightly. But when finished they will vary in height so this shouldn't be a problem. I have to cut down the nails and then glue the in place. Plus I still need to make more to go all the way around the vent. And thats it for this mini-update.
06-13-2006, 11:27 PM
This looks very...
...what's the word I'm looking for...
Gork and Mork would definately approve.
lol, Orky? Thats a new one.
Thanks...I guess.
06-14-2006, 04:23 AM
yea it is a bit orky lol.
gonna keep my eye on this looks good so far, keep it up
06-14-2006, 05:44 PM
yep.. orky is the right word! Great job on the case, glad to see it's still alive, keep up the good work!
Til then
Nanu Nanu
lol, you think that is orky. Just wait untill I finish the vent. It's going to be covered in those. :D
Ok so I've been cleaning up the shop abit and racking my brain to figure out what to do for the other half of this panel. I think I'm going to raise it up a bit to give it some demension. Then at the bottom have sewer pipes coming out. So I tried making a model in Sketchup. Stress the "tried" and heres what I got.
Its not the best but it gives an idea of what I'm shooting for.
07-01-2006, 02:11 PM
so... any updates coming? :)
I really like this project! I think it's going to look real nice when finished.
The boy 4rm oz
07-02-2006, 01:56 AM
This is gonna be awesome lol great work.
07-02-2006, 07:30 AM
Any idea of what the specs are gonna be for this nice lookin case.
I just like to get an idea of what other peopel are putting int heir cases these days.
07-02-2006, 11:01 AM
You should make those pipes be attached to an exhaust fan.
That would be cool.
07-02-2006, 11:34 AM
Who's that ugly geezer behind the nikon!!;)
Only messin dude. This looks really cool, Ive never seen a better use for coke can!:D
You should make those pipes be attached to an exhaust fan.
That would be cool.
I was thinkin of 3 40mm. Won't be alot, but should help pull the air around the mobo to kep it nice and cool.
Also Simon, the specs right now will be my current PC.
P4 3.0 GHZ
1 gig RAM
370 total HDD space
ATI 9800 XT
I'm trying to get a new PC but with not having a job, and having to pay for things like gas and other stuff (only 17) its lookin grim. But with some prices drops I've been hearing about it might happen.
Thanks for the comments guys! Sorry I've been busy with friends, volunteer work, and college searching so I havn't had much time to check the forums. But I did work on this some today here we go. Oh and this is for the top of the case by the way. I need to borrow my friends drill press to get through that aluminium angle channel on the vent.
Ok, first I got an idea on what to do for the top. The entire top will be a small water tank (still considering water cooling), the back 1/4 will have 2 cooling towers that you see near nuclear power plants. Under the water will be pipes and tubes along with missles. I would like to hook the missles up to servos and have them angle up out of the water at certain times. But not quite sure how to do that yet.
Today I started attacking the case with my drill. First thing was to take out all the revits. I found the right size drill bit and started drilling out the centers.
The fun thing with revits is that as you drill them out, the ring stays on the drill bit.
So I got all the revits out, removed the top, and realized something bad. This case design sucks. Lets see if you can see whats wrong with this picture.
Anything? See something missing? The top support bar that the side panel hooks into is part of the top of the case!
While not a major problem, it still ned to be addressed, and that will take more time.
But after all that I took some 1/8 inch plexi and used my good ol' heat gun to form it into the start of the holding tank for the top.
Theres a few scratches that will need to be buffed out later but it truned out pretty well so far. Well, thats all I got for ya today. As usuall ideas and comments are appreciated!
07-11-2006, 01:05 AM
so, like the whole top o' ur case'll be a resevoir? that'll look sweet when u get water pumping through it
I'm still not sure if it will be a working resevoir or not. I'm just say I don't like trusting my whole PC on 2 or 2 small plastic seals. Plus I don't have tons of money to spend on a good water cooling setup. I think I'm going to stick with air cooling..alot of air cooling, but air cooling none the less. The water will be for effect more than anything. I want to shoot for a swampy/sewer look that will tie into the vents on the side of the case. Also I want to cut off the top so the plexi tank will be a window into the top of the case.
Howdy everyone. I love to see how much everyone is loving this mod[/sarcasm]:rolleyes:
j/k, j/k
Ok, yes, well. I've been alittle busy lately trying to wrap up some loose ends with different parts of this. Jumping from one thing to the next. One of the reasons I hadn't been doing too much plexi work on this is becasue the blade I had for my scroll saw were too thin and the teeth were too small. This lead to melting, and with plexiglass, thats very bad. Because when you cut it just molds back togather. I did what I always do...I made a Sears run. And I bought some unidirectional blades. These baldes are just like a normal blade but twisted so that it has teeth on all sides.
The extra distance between the teeth in any one direction, along with the wider cutting path keeps the plexiglass (even the 1/8 inch stuff I've been using) from fusing back togather. So armed with my new blades I cut out the sides to my resovior on top.
After some coaxing with my power sander and dremel they fit pretty good. Not perfect, but once they are siliconed in they will be fine.
Once the sides were cut I cut out a piece of foam board to use as a mock up for the power station. The top will have 2 nuclear cooling towers ontop of a small building, with 2 80 mm fans.
So I grabbed an old 80mm I had laying around and marked off about where they will need to go with a candle (the wax shows up on the black foam board).
Then I was standing there looking at the board trying to figure out what I am going to do for the building below the towers. AndI noticed a long since scrapped part of this mod that I just left ont he ground and it never got thrown out. The original plan called for a hanger on top with a runway leading to the front with airplanes on it. I started making the hanger and then realized I didn't like the idea. Now its time to bring back the old "hanger" and make it into a nuclear power station:D.
If anyone has noticed I like making use of things I have laying around, and modding them to fit on the case. My old Hanger was actually a bread pan that my mom was going to throw out. So I now have a coke can and a bread pan if anyone's keeping track.
And finally I cutout the final window. I didn't take any pre-fileing shots but heres what it looks like now.
Thats after about a half an hour of fileing. I've still got about 1/4 to go and the tidy up the corners.
And thats about it for this update. I've still got to figure out how to get the right shape for the cooling towers. If anyone has any ideas I'm always interested. Well, seeing as how its now lightining about every .2 second I think I should shut down my desktop. So I will end this simply.
Ok. well I havn't really worked on this. But I have gotten a few supplies and plans made so here we go.
first, one of the reasons I havn't been working on this all that much.
Yeah, we've been getting pounded with storms alot recently. BUT in between the rain I got to go somewhere I have never been. The most amazing store ever.
Basically a farm suppluy store with everything from clothes, to tools, to snack food. Everything a modder needs. OH and very cheap Aluminium. I picked up these for about $6 total. Which would have cost about $15 at Home Depot.
The tubing will become the missles I refered to earlier. Its light enough so I should be able to lift them up without torque issues on the old servos I'm gong to rip out of something.
I also picked up some PVC pipe for the airvents I want to place on the side. behind the mobo.
Oh, I also got these. not sure where I'm going to use them yet, but I want to place a "control panel" somewhere to control the fans and maybe even the lights later in this project.
And now the best for last. I got a new box. But what can it be?
Of course with the obligatory 80mm size comparison.
Unfortunatly I didn't have enough money for the bits so I havn't been able to use it yet. I'm planning on using it for Aluminium so if anyone has any recommendations about good bits for Aluminium I'd like to know whats the best to use. Well, thats about it. Hopefully another update coming soon:).
07-23-2006, 05:14 PM
wow, that table router looks sweet! cant wait to see what magic you do with it!
well, heres alittle update as to why there has been a lack of updates. Ok, first off my family and I are leaving for Canada tomarrow morning, so theres been alot of packing and finding stuff. But more importantly, last weekend was my grandparents 50th Anniversery! We had a party/family reunion. I have been aiding in the cleaning of the house for about a week before that so I had no time to go shopping for router bits. Also last weekend was my friends birthday, which me and another friend planned so I was helping find gifts/food/people for that. Well, thats how its been. I will be in Canada for about a week, but will jump right into the project when I get back. So look for more then!
Please forgive my spelling and grammer. I havn't been getting alot of sleep so I'm sure its really sloppy.
08-01-2006, 04:27 AM
We will all ways be here waiting for the next installement. Stay safe dont get eaten by a moose!!!
10-26-2006, 02:12 PM
wow aero looks great so far. The coke can and bread pan made me laugh. I'm new to modding and that coke can gave me an idea. I'm going to see if I can find one of those old (but cheap) vending machines and see what I can do with it.
Maybe something like that. My dad has some old vending machines lying around and if I can finally get some mod tools maybe I can get something unique, but simple for a first mod. Any ideas?
Oh yeah, what did you use for the rock molding? That stuff looks sweet!
HaHa thanks DukeNuke. Sounds like a good idea. You can mod anything with time and some good ideas (the latter isn't the problem though :P).
The rock molds are just molds for model train sets. The stuff used to make the rocks is simply Bondo (Auto Body Filler), its really cool, because the reaction from the filler creates heat. And you need to wet the mold so it falls out easy, but the heat vaporizes the water, so you have steaming mold/rocks for about 15 sec after you pull them out 8).
10-27-2006, 03:15 AM
Simply put that is sick dude. Oh and I checked with my dad, no more vending machines like that. I guess he sold them awhile back (my mom and dad are split so i dont talk to him much). Oh well. It wouldn't be much of a mod anyways besides the case. All I'd do was stick the stuff in and cut a few holes for fans/wiring. I don't have money for any materials or tools yet so I won't be albe to get started for awhile now. I like nascar though and I'd love to do a dale earnhardt theme, anyone know of any?
Oh and if you are still doing the runway (kind of lost track in all the posts), why not use LEDs to make it more realistic. A brightened runway guiding planes in.
Get some strips of LEDs and you can make it happen.
10-27-2006, 12:50 PM
Looking great man, my favorite part so far is the crazy window cut you have. It just looks so clean with that white coat :)
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