12-09-2005, 08:31 AM
Please don't steal this (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PNEUMATIC-AIR-NIBBLER-SHEET-METAL-POWER-CUTTING-TOOL-NR_W0QQitemZ4423960701QQcategoryZ75675QQrdZ1QQcmdZ ViewItem#ebayphotohosting) if it's any good. Is it any good? I'm not sure. I think i need to get an air compressor for it to work, which i might do anyway because i could then get one that works with the airbrush i just got as well. That could work out if anyone could direct me to a reasonably priced compressor that works on British Voltages, or one that could be re-wired to work on british volts. Americans, trust me when i say you're damn lucky-most of the tools i'm looking for are 1/3rd of the cost over there. Any ideas for a cheap compressor would be nice, or if there's a specific one i need, a wee run-down would be nice. Thanks- Dave