View Full Version : My cat just had a seizure, not sure what to do

06-03-2008, 06:16 AM
My cat just had a seizure, she stopped a few minutes ago, but I'm really not sure what to do?? Take her to the vet asap obviously, but its 3am right now and I have pretty much zero money right now as well (which includes just about everyone I know, hard times all around it seems).

Anyone know anything about this or what to do when and if it happens again??

06-03-2008, 07:30 AM
Found this...


If anyone else has anything to add please do.

06-03-2008, 08:12 AM
You may want to keep it under observation
. . as long as its still breathing i'm preddy sure it will be ok.

06-03-2008, 10:57 AM
My cat used to have seizures. Last time I check, there really isnt anything you can do for it.

Even for people, there are only drugs to...TRY and stop seizures. My aunt takes a ton of drugs for her seizures yet...she still has them.

Best thing you can do is make sure the cat is in a safe enviroment while having one. (Make sure its not perched on a window or something. Try and carry her to THE MIDDLE of the bed).

I know it can definitally be an emotional event...but...on the bright side...there is a small chance that it could be a one time thing.

As eck says. Just keep watching it.

06-03-2008, 02:31 PM
The guide that zephik posted seems like the way to handle this. You might want to talk with your vet, but if it doesn't happen again I probably wouldn't worry about a whole lot, unless it was a really intense seizure or you just want to be sure.