View Full Version : Laptops getting crappier

05-14-2008, 03:10 PM
Laptops were getting better, but I see that trend turning around a bit. It seems as though manufacturers have noticed that consumers are being told to look for the amount of memory a laptop has and it's the best one to get. Case in point: I have a Gateway M-Series, with:

Intel Core 2 T5450
250GB HD
ATI X2400

All for $1049 retail (That's not what I spent)

The following model had all the same specs, minus the graphics, which were downgraded to Intel, but the casing was Red.

The model after that (and current) has the following specs:

160GB HD
Intel graphics

All for $999 retail.

In two quarters my Gateway when from pretty nice, to sub-par processor, hard drive, and graphics, but more RAM. Doesn't this just seem weird?:?

05-14-2008, 03:47 PM
but RAM is cheaper to install in any system so if they can spend a few more bucks on the RAM and throw in a lower processor and graphic they come out with a few more bucks in the pocket.
Believe me I had this discussion with a kid at work when he told me about the laptop he was going to get then got something cause it had more RAM. Told him it probably won't run what he wanted, WoW, because they reduced the graphics, but I let him go through the hours of install to find that out for himself after he told me I had no idea what I was talking about.

05-14-2008, 04:13 PM
It doesn't take much to learn about what's good in a computer or a car even but most people don't give a crap, lol. Hence why I'm sticking to desktops that I build myself. I may get an EeePC but that'll be for chatting and maybe a little internet. Everything's getting crappier these days so it would seem. I bought a pellet gun a couple weeks back and now I have to see if I can't get it fixed as it's messed up too. Oh well, this isn't my rant thread so I'll go do this in a blag, lol.

05-14-2008, 04:43 PM
I also agree on this trend. It seems that people (at least around here) aren't willing to pay the premium anymore for a nicer product. Personally, I'm all for saving a few bucks, when it comes down to something I need, I'll spend a bit extra for some quality.. and everyone should.

05-15-2008, 12:06 AM
I also agree on this trend. It seems that people (at least around here) aren't willing to pay the premium anymore for a nicer product. Personally, I'm all for saving a few bucks, when it comes down to something I need, I'll spend a bit extra for some quality.. and everyone should.

Being a wal-mart employee i can whole heartedly agree w/ that statement. I can honestly say a lot of stuff i put on the shelves feels like crap, but people eat it right up. Then they stand in ridiculous lines to boot. It amazes me what ppl will do for a "good deal."