View Full Version : Fable
03-31-2005, 11:10 AM
Anyone out there play Fable yet?
I finished it in under 11 hours. Every other RPG on the XBOX has been in excess of 20 hours. What gives? The game finished and I was left feeling disaointed on a large scale.
03-31-2005, 11:55 AM
I thought fable was a great game, atleast for the first of its kind. Yeah there wasnt a lot of sub missions and the game was fairly short. But still I thought the gameplay was great, the controls were impecable, and well the graphics... bueatiful. I think it took me around 14 hours, but I spent alot of time talking and running around.
You might have missed some of the sub quests, there are several that dont really have prompts, just stuff your run into, the only one that comes to mind is the "fight club" in all of the cities at night. Also did you unlock all of the demon doors, that would be quite a feat.
The only thing that left me dissapointed was the final boss, I wont give too much away to readers, but lets put it this way, you NEED high dexterity, and didnt have that. Not that the fight was all that tough, but it was a little diapointing since i couldnt use my badass axe to take him out.
03-31-2005, 05:37 PM
i used magic.
lightning at level 4 is good.
Im playing it right now on the Xbox. It seems like a pretty good game so far. I have about 4hrs currently. I just beat Twinblade.
03-31-2005, 11:58 PM
You;re about 1/4 of the way through.
I won't spoil it for you, so enjoy.
Ill let you know what I think when its all over. I got about 150 games and I am slowly picking through them. Of corse some are much better than others.
04-01-2005, 12:03 PM
And I thought my 74 x-box game library was impressive.
04-03-2005, 03:25 AM
any1 here care its comeing to pc?
04-03-2005, 08:03 AM
unfortunately, it seems to be par for the course these days that new games can be completed in shorter and shorter times............
A lot of work seems to go in to the actual game play and graphics and not enough work in to the actual level design or longevity of the game. It's been the case with Doom3 and HL2 and most of the other games as well. If you look at the previous versions like half life rather than half life2, the game was a lot longer in terms of things to do.
A great pity in my point!
04-03-2005, 11:15 AM
any1 here care its comeing to pc?
Not in the least. I do not use the PC for gaming.
unfortunately, it seems to be par for the course these days that new games can be completed in shorter and shorter times............
A lot of work seems to go in to the actual game play and graphics and not enough work in to the actual level design or longevity of the game. It's been the case with Doom3 and HL2 and most of the other games as well. If you look at the previous versions like half life rather than half life2, the game was a lot longer in terms of things to do.
A great pity in my point!
Not necessarily true. Sure in the mid-nineties, when high-end graphics hit mainstream, companies pumped out as much eye-candy as possible. Story lines went to hell and we all took it in the rear because of it.
Recently (in the past 3 years) there have been major strides in game story development. KOTOR 1 ans 2 are good examples (and I am aware they are lucas arts productions) Fable had a good story, but just too short.
Then i look at what's coming - Oblivion, the next chapter in The Elder Scrolls. The story on this game should be phenomenal.
Story lines are improving, but I think it will be a while before we get the quality of storylines like we saw in the 80's with titles such as; The Ultima Series, Bards Tale Series, Autoduel, Zork and the like.
Oh, and the new Bard's Tale game is a joke. Nothing like the original series.
04-03-2005, 11:46 AM
I guess it boils down to preferences once again. Personally I dont look to buy a game and complete it quickly, to then wait around for more levels or additional material to be put out again later. I prefer the route of a long game that takes a while to complete in the first instance. I think that is much more enthrawling. Take HL2... great graphics and a great engine but after over 4 years in the planning the actual time it took to get through it was less than a week.... and to me that is poor!
04-03-2005, 12:22 PM
It's a shooter. Of ocurse you'll blow through it quickly.
I took 49 hours to complete KOTOR 1.
I took 3 weeks to finish Might and Magic 4 Worlds of Xeen in '92.
Shooters normally take faster to finish than RPGs
04-03-2005, 05:01 PM
I agree..... I was just making the point that in the newer games (shooters) of today..... the single player games take a lot shorter time to get through then they did before......
doom and Half life are good examples of this........
04-19-2005, 02:22 AM
i have played fable through going good first then just played around going evil and trying to glitch to other areas i also own all of Knothole Glade and Oakvale but one day i left the game on but not palsed so when i got back to my dorm on sunday night i had racked up some impressive hours so i just clear out an area then go somewhere instead of palsing i am currently at 96 hours and some odd minutes and have gone to the final round in the arena then done a hero save and loaded it so i keep my money and exp. earned but start the quest over i have done this atleast a half dozen times just trying to max out my stats. it is a good game but the length was quite dissapointing i play a lot of old RPGs and they are much longer than the 9 hours i beat Fable in originaly (a friend was always talking about the game so i knew where to go and i didnot do many side quests.) i personaly think it wont be very good on PC.
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