View Full Version : Appreciation of this forum...

11-29-2007, 09:07 PM
You'll never appreciate this community more until you take a peek anywhere else. This is the only forum I'm a part of but my buddy sent me a link to a Halo forum... check this out:

"So, ironically enough while I was playing Halo 3 I shot a wall with the M90 CAWS 8 Gauge Shotgun, I was wondering would Bungie be that accurate? The questions I am asking is would they really have the shotgun spew out 8 pellets with each shot? Nope.

True to realism you should, if programmed into the game correctly leave 8 bullet marks on a wall if you shot it with a shotgun, which would be true to how the shells are made. We all know that the gauge of a shotgun names how many pellets are in the shell, and the size of the pellets are so they weigh exactly one (1) pound. Which means a 12 ga. shotgun has 12 pellets in each shell and that amount of pellets weighs 1 pound. In a 20 ga. shotgun there are 20 pellets weighing 1 pound. Which means in an 8 ga. there should be 8, right? Not in the game there isn't, every time I shot the wall, there were 14 bullet marks, not 8. Could this be a link to 7 because 7*2=14? Also please tell em if this has been found already.



11-29-2007, 10:04 PM
Wow I thought I had no life????:think: LOL I don't know any thing about guns but this guy look way to close to small things.:lick:

11-29-2007, 10:07 PM
Actually, because you admitted you know nothing about guns, you know more than he does.

11-29-2007, 10:08 PM
12 Pound Ammunition FTW! LoL

*oh wait, nvm, I read it more closely the second time around, thats not what he's saying. He's saying each shell is a pound each, not each pellet. I think. You know what, that guy just really confused me, so its not my fault. lol*

Well, at least its safe to say that he has way too much free time on his hands. lol

11-29-2007, 10:14 PM
Edit: Although I thought it was crazy it seems its true.

Shotgun shells are generally measured by "gauge." While "bigger" caliber designations incrementally increase the width of a rifle barrel, gauge refers to the division of a pound of lead into equal sized spheres: the fewer number of spheres the pound is divided into, the greater the diameter each will be.

For example, a shotgun is called 12 gauge because twelve lead spheres, each of which just fits the inside diameter of the barrel, weigh one pound. Each gauge is the count of the number of lead spheres with a total weight of one pound, each sphere fitting smoothly into the barrel. This measurement comes from the time when early cannons were designated in a similar manner—a "12 pounder" would be a cannon that fired a 12 pound cannonball; inversely, a "12 gauge" barrel would in fact a 1/12 pounder.Taken from Shotgun Shell Wiki

So it seems like his basic thoughts are right, but wow, who really cares if the different shotguns don't make the right amount of holes. Not something that would change gameplay for me in the slightest. Now that he pointed it out though, I probably wont be able to ignore it.

Although I don't understand the 7x2=14 reference?...?...

11-29-2007, 10:18 PM
you think thats bad, you should have been in the Halo community back when that whole I love bees thing was going on. I mean sweet jebus, that was insane. People dedicated their whole lives to figuring out the riddle.

11-29-2007, 10:28 PM
you think thats bad, you should have been in the Halo community back when that whole I love bees thing was going on. I mean sweet jebus, that was insane. People dedicated their whole lives to figuring out the riddle.

just lke everyone here spent all ther time figuring out Jon's riddle....:p

11-29-2007, 10:56 PM
Except gauge has nothing to do with how many little pellets are inside. There are TONS of different types of shot.

Perhaps my 12 gauge rounds have been interbreeding :oP

11-30-2007, 12:11 AM

When a dork calls someone else a dork...you know its bad.

11-30-2007, 01:41 AM
So it seems like his basic thoughts are right, but wow, who really cares if the different shotguns don't make the right amount of holes. Not something that would change gameplay for me in the slightest. Now that he pointed it out though, I probably wont be able to ignore it.

The thing is this: If a gun fires 8 pellets, it can hit 8 targets over whatever area, and there's a percentage of loss. Now, if you up that number, you up the possible targets hit.

For example, I was playing half-life 2 and I set the number of pellets per shotgun shot to 2k. It was a lot more than the 8/10/whatever before. I could shoot down a wide hallway and hit EVERYTHING.

11-30-2007, 01:56 AM
Hahaha, I bet that played hell with the physics.

11-30-2007, 02:03 AM
Hahaha, I bet that played hell with the physics.

One shot down a hall and every corpse was lined up against the far wall.

OR cars. One shot to get them up in the air, another shot to get them up on top of a tall building.

11-30-2007, 02:03 AM
Nice. Did it lag to hell and back or no? lol I should get the Orange Box just to screw around with the physics some...

11-30-2007, 02:21 AM
Nice. Did it lag to hell and back or no? lol I should get the Orange Box just to screw around with the physics some...

It didn't, and I'm on a pretty lowendish computer with full graphics.

Now, 10,000 pellets... that did lag.

11-30-2007, 02:23 AM
Wow. I bet that did, lol. I can't wait to get a new video card. I'm looking at this ATI one I posted in another thread and some of the Newegg reviews said it can handle Crysis on High. For $165 that kicks total ass.

This site is pretty durn nice though. I like not being beaten, raped, skinned alive, and burned at the stake for my opinions, lol. Thanks guys.

11-30-2007, 11:17 AM
The thing is this: If a gun fires 8 pellets, it can hit 8 targets over whatever area, and there's a percentage of loss. Now, if you up that number, you up the possible targets hit.

I understand all that about the amount that you can hit but Is the game actually shooting 14 pellets instead of 8? Or is the sprite that they chose to place on walls and such have 14 holes drawn. Just because the wall has 14 holes doesn't mean the sprite directly corresponds to what the gun is actually doing.

Ya in a perfect world the sprite would have the same holes as the particles being shot from the gun. Does it? I don't know.

11-30-2007, 11:50 AM

This site is pretty durn nice though. I like not being beaten, raped, skinned alive, and burned at the stake for my opinions, lol. Thanks guys..........

We're just waiting for you out back....

:bunny: :devious:

11-30-2007, 12:02 PM
You mean I bought this 2x4 and firewood for nothing? Guess I won't be needing this KY anymore either huh?!


11-30-2007, 12:04 PM
We're just waiting for you out back....

:bunny: :devious:

Why? Surprise birthday party? My birthday's in JUNE! Not November or December... or is it a barbecue? Hmm... You guys just finish the swimming pool or something? ;)

11-30-2007, 12:06 PM
I... GUESS you could call it a barbecue? :p

11-30-2007, 12:35 PM
Mmm! Cheeseburgers and ribs! Yes!

11-30-2007, 03:12 PM
I understand all that about the amount that you can hit but Is the game actually shooting 14 pellets instead of 8? Or is the sprite that they chose to place on walls and such have 14 holes drawn. Just because the wall has 14 holes doesn't mean the sprite directly corresponds to what the gun is actually doing.

Ya in a perfect world the sprite would have the same holes as the particles being shot from the gun. Does it? I don't know.

As far as I know, games stopped using sprites for that sort of thing a while back. Here's how to test:

Shoot the wall.

Shoot it again.

Repeat this a lot.

Assuming they don't overlap (often) or you don't see familiar patterns, they don't use sprites.

I know HL2 doesn't, because when you shoot the wall with the 10,000 pellet round, the wall turns black from all the bullet holes. D=

12-01-2007, 02:20 AM
i can only imagine.

I never knew that about gauge of shotguns... i knew that the gauge denoted size of the shell and barrel, just not how they got the name of it. and yeah, most of the time i shoot birdshot, which has a lot more than 12 bbs in it usually.

12-01-2007, 03:23 AM
As far as I know, games stopped using sprites for that sort of thing a while back.

I just meant sprite as a general term for the sprite/bitmap/texture map/parallax mapping thing going on with the bullet hole and the wall. I didn't mean it in its old pixelart meaning.

And that gun your using, I haven't seen that in the game. Are you using it through Gary's mod or something of the like. 10,000 pellet round shot sounds more to me like it is using a particle system, and each spot a particle hits its activating whatever process that renders the bullet hole.

I didn't think the actual game used a particle system for the bullets. That would mean the guns are shooting individual particles and when they hit another character/enemy whatever it runs whatever script or whatever for collisions between the two objects.
I thought it had the animation for shooting and it calculates where your bullet would have hit. If its a guy, then boom heatshot or whatever based on the calculation. If its a wall then it triggers whatever causes the bullethole. Although now that I think about it, it wouldn't be too hard to have a particle follow that calculated trajectory.

I don't know. This is making my brain hurt lol. Too late for me to think. If it is using a particle system for each bullet, then what tard jacked the amount of pellets for the gun up to 14?...?...

Whether its grabbing a texture/sprite whatever that has 14 bullet holes(which there could be 100 different ones just slightly different to make the appearance of random shots), or its shooting 14 particles...it should only be 8 either way right? Sounds like somebody screwed up on that one.

12-01-2007, 12:23 PM
And that gun your using, I haven't seen that in the game. Are you using it through Gary's mod or something of the like. 10,000 pellet round shot sounds more to me like it is using a particle system, and each spot a particle hits its activating whatever process that renders the bullet hole.

Run HL2 and enable cheats. Open the console, type sv_cheats 1. Then type sk_plr_num_pellets x (x being how many pellets you want).

I'm pretty sure that's it. Once you start typing "sk_plr_num_" it might show the thing above or it might say "buckshot" or somethign else shotgun related.

Once this is done (1,000 pellets is a good starting point, btw), take out the shotgun.

It behaves just like the normal shotgun, except now, instead of howevermany pellets it had before, it's got the number you set.

12-01-2007, 02:52 PM
Mmm! Cheeseburgers and ribs! Yes!

yes,,,, RIBS, or Rib cage is it, or rack of ribs,

one or the other