- Project : Sirius ('Victor 9000')
- Micron Mini-Server
- Project: Infernis
- Project Noobcase
- My New "BoomBox"
- Water Cooling Addition
- X-Center
- project desk'd
- Project: PacMod
- Project - Swat - box
- project stealth
- Project: FAB 1 (Thunderbirds)
- "cannon" speakers
- The Manhatten Project
- B.a.b.e.
- Project: Big Loud Server
- Project: I'm not making a fancy name for my PC
- Reactor Case
- C U B E 2 Case
- Powermac G4 to Pc Noob Mod
- New Case, new ideas
- KLOPCASE V2: Custom water-cooled dual mobo case
- Project bl4ck h013
- Project: uhh... new case.
- Project: Vaio stage 1
- Simple 1st time project
- Resurrection Project
- Project: cosworth
- Turret case mod
- nvidia case mod
- 7 Days
- The Borg Cube: resistance is futile
- Bubble Gum Machine Mod
- Dual PSU case
- SR-71 case
- Dragon Blizzard
- Noname Media PC Project
- black&blue
- Pirates of the Caribbean (Finally Started)
- American Muscle: Power & Chrome
- lego flashdrive
- SGI 540 to PC Mod
- PS2 PSU fan mod
- "Purebred" Mod
- 1st Paintjob
- Little Blue
- Project: Catalyst Green
- what will become my media center
- My new pc
- Project: Fender Strat
- Evil Computer
- PC bundle
- Project: One1
- Ol' Beater needs a new name
- Project: NES PC
- monolith
- Project Makeshift
- Project: Wiedergeboren
- Project: Origami
- Water Alien Rebirth
- Water Alien Rebirth - From Brazil
- Project Rising
- Project: Heavy Metal
- Yakyb's Case Mod No 'Name as of Yet' 08/01/07
- Project: Hurricane
- Project Strogg
- Project Karma
- Project: LEXA
- Gohan's X-Qpack Mod
- ARF mod
- USMC case
- TV Cabinet MCE PC
- Project: JVC
- PLexi etching project
- Stacker Mod in progress.
- The Green Ghost
- LaMagra - The Blood Mod
- Projekt Nameless
- Project: Bruised
- New Project
- Mouse Fan
- The Nagy Magical-Movable-Type Pixello-Dynamotronic Computational Engine
- N64 Cartridge Mouse Mod
- 2€ Case Modding Project
- Any Ideas for the new kid?
- Project: Nightmare
- [Worklog] Project:Black Fire
- Project Juggernaut "Lord of the universe"
- CS:S - CounterStrike:Server
- Project: Chobits
- 3xV
- Yet another mouse mod :P
- X-box media center
- Project 2en 05/02/07
- Wood/plexi case
- Ratputer: The Anti-Bling.
- Shaolin Revolution
- Project: Mystique
- The John Deere Mod
- B-day present: Project Sister1
- Really Old TV???
- Project: BeatBox
- Superman Case Mod
- A quickie fan mount
- Flow
- No idea
- Reservoir Missiles.
- The Citadel - Produkt
- Project: Dumb Terminal
- XBox Controller Retro-Goodness
- Project Cockpit
- Project: DIYPCMODS
- Cased.tableTop
- Tsunami
- Wii-volution
- Project Ghetto
- My first INTEL build...thought it would never happen!!!
- Project PCG3
- Dominion
- Project UL-B TI-83+ Mod
- first mod - Altoids mouse mod
- X-box Media center
- Chemical industrial
- Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard
- Project : X3O2
- my march break LC prodj.
- Logitech Trackerball
- Highrise
- Framed
- Project Lian-Li PC-A16 (no real name, yet)
- Might as well start a worklog here
- icebreakers mouse mod
- Project Wiederaufbauen
- Project: Knight's Case
- Project: PC Semi
- Project Bandit with 1KW LCS
- Purple & green mac classic w/pc innerds
- Dell Poweredge 2400 Server Case mod.
- The Black Plague
- Dual Intake Upgrade
- Cooling Issues
- Mouse Paintjob - Steelers Theme.
- The Horror-ible PC
- My Pc Gaming Pc Console Case Type
- Swiss Army Computer
- Computer Restoration
- Project: Frankenstripe
- Project: DaJe is going to make an acrylic subwoofer
- Project: Silver Dragon
- Project: Black and White p160
- Project: Mobility Charles
- Pimp-my-Dell
- Is this acceptable?
- my first mod...eek
- My first Work log. Windowed Xbox madness.
- Project:"Ctrl-Alt-Del" ;)
- First mod. [Quake themed]
- Starship down.
- Project: Hellcat
- Project: Dragon
- Project: MyComputer
- Project: the future is back
- Butterfly Case
- Project: Saturn Magnetosphere
- Dell_XPS_mods
- Death before Dishonnor
- Project: Blue Industrial
- lego flash drive
- Woofer box
- Project "Impossible Modding"
- Project: Tribal Fusion
- Project: Dremel Practice
- Stealth 50's radio style
- first mod!
- The Colors!
- windowed harddrive.
- Project Swamp Thing.
- Blast Door LCD Screen Mod Jr.
- Warp Command Center
- Project: ORION by Koradhil
- project red army!
- Project L'Amour
- Project "Bling Bling"
- Project: Vista S.F.F.
- Is your worklog finished? Let us know!
- Tank Case Mod- Late Start
- Project "tensa sama ke-shi" (Heavenly Chain Computer Case :P)
- Project: unit 4
- Project Hour Before Dawn - Work Log
- Project Dashboard
- GameBoy as external HDD
- Retro Box
- just a quick lock mod
- Silver Surfer Acrylic Hybrid Case
- Project Interceptor Starts!
- Project: Sexy
- Project: poor mans diamond dream
- Project Log "Hades"
- Project: 3x Nes
- 1st Go At It
- Kids Computer
- Project: Narcotic Orange
- Project: Stargate Atlantis
- Project: Waterblocked
- Arrr! External HDD enlosure pirate style!
- Element
- bilding a plain old server...
- Project Black and White Dragon.
- Project: X-LU
- Project: HL2 Combine Elite
- Project W.I.T.C.H - Brazil
- Crystal Server
- Modular PSU made in home - Concluded!
- Now You Can Take It With You (aka The Surfin' Dead)
- Project 2142
- The Unnamed
- Project: Steel Promise
- My First Case MOD!!!
- The Mini-Rat Small PC.
- Finding names is not my bag..
- 1996 Micron Conversion
- Project NNC -Ru-
- The Rusty Rocks Linux Box
- Media Player Case
- my case mod
- Mayan Temple Mod
- Project : Ata-tendo
- Project Dew: My first Mod
- Project: Pink Bits
- Jungle Tumble - Joint project by Elenril and Cymae
- Project: Water Cooling Turbine
- Dual 22" LCD mod - DAE_JA_VOO
- Ammo Can Fileserver
- Drei sechzig Blog
- Project Server Red
- Project: Prophecy
- The Filing Cabinet Server
- Project: Endorphin (SFF Mod)
- The real "Micro-Pc!"
- First Mod, Resistance
- Project: Rooster Teeth Productions (2?)
- The Sleeper
- Faaip De Oiad
- Project: The Desktopper
- Radiation
- Trapped by the Machine
- Happy Birthday mom!
- CMStacker Mod